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Lierac Jet Set Beaute' Travel Kit

One lucky Gouldylox Reviews reader recently scored one of these Lierac travel kits in time for the holidays, but another reader put on her Gouldylox hat and tested it out for me. While I was hoping she would actually travel with the kit and prove it was airplane approved (nothing makes me madder than having to ditch products at airline security), she did the next best thing and tested the actual products.

Before we dive into the review, here is a bit about Gabrielle, the lucky reader who volunteered to be a guinea pig for beauty. Gabrielle is a stay-at-home Mom of two who makes the best Christmas cookies this side of my Mom. And if she and my Mom had a ricotta cookie bake-off, I can't promise my Mom would win (sorry, Mom). Gabrielle has fairly normal skin that can be a little dryer in the winter.

The Jet Set Beaute Kit by Lierac comes with a cleansing water, toning serum, day cream, soothing eyelid balm and a hand cream. Gabs liked the cleanser, which felt like a gentle toner on the skin, but is used to a traditional cleanser, and took some getting use to. She liked how her skin drank in the vitamins and minerals in the serum. The day cream was hydrating and left her skin feeling smooth. While the hand cream was moisturizing, it didn't quite add enough moisture to keep her already winter-dry-hands hydrated throughout a day filled with little boy messes and the handwashings that go with them.

However, if you are traveling and need to feel refreshed in-flight, this kit may be just for you. The cleanser doesn't require any water, which makes it really easy to use up in the air. The serum and day cream impart a moisture and radiance that airplane cabins live to deplete and the hand cream leaves your hands smooth. The soothing eyelid balm leaves tired eyes looking refreshed and well rested. It's easy to use and will help you arrive, relaxed, refresh and ready for the holidays. Plus, if you get stuck in the airport for longer than you expected, it is an easy way to stay comfortable, fresh and keep a smile on your face. Pick one up at CVS on the way to the airport. And of course, it's airline approved!

Happy traveling!

Product was supplied by the company for the purposes of review.

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