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2009 Favorite Things Countdown # 4

I love mineral makeup, so it's about time my favorite mineral makeup company makes the list. Here is also one of the most popular posts of the entire year, the day Loxy realizes why the Hair Cuttery has so many bad nicknames.

And of course, Happy New Year!

Favorite Things #4 Bare Escentuals Matte Foundation

I like mineral-based foundations. In fact, I really like a lot of Bare Escentual products. I am not sure I am on board with their skin revival night-time products and no matter how many times they say it, it's better to wash your face at night than to wear your makeup to bed (although I have done a lot of both). That said, I have quite a collection of BE to back up my love for this line. (My fave kit so far is definitely the Rocker Eye kit.) I like BE so much I am a part of the BE Angel's Program - people selected by BE and given product to give out to friends. Sometimes, Leslie herself even writes me back when I have questions (she's really nice).

However, each summer, I have to put away my BE foundation because I am one of the unlucky girls who has a reaction to bismuth oxychloride in warmer weather and in humidity. Most BE products contain bismuth (many companies use this, not just BE). The way I understand it, it is what gives the luminous look, allows for the swirl, tap, buff application method and is a fairly inexpensive ingredient. Many other mineral foundations have cropped up that specifically avoid bismuth (a by-product of lead and copper metal refining, with chloride and water) because they know there is a need for mineral foundation sans this ingredient.

So how excited am I that Bare Escentuals has finally come out with a bismuth-free, matte version of their foundation? The matte version of the foundation does not contain bismuth oxychloride and after wearing it over the previous holiday weekend, I am happy to report it didn't make me itch! The coverage was definitely a little more matte, which I am ok with. I think it wore well, looked great and most importantly, felt great!

I purchased this product with my very own money.

What To Do When Haircuts Go Wrong.

I recently got a call from my husband, Mr. Lox, who was upset about a haircut he had recently gotten at the Hair Cuttery in our neighborhood. He claimed it was horrible and that he looked ridiculous. While his hair actually grows in a circle and is difficult on a good day, I wondered how bad it could actually be.

When I got home, he stood up and pointed to his head, looking mad and embarassed. Ever the considerate and caring wife I try to be, I said, "I am so sorry for what I am about to do. Seriously."

I then burst out laughing.

"Oh Loxy, that is really awful! Did you pay for that? What happened? Did you ask for that? Did you tip? Why did you leave looking like that?"

I can't say it's never happened to me. Once, I let an really popular stylist, who had worked for the famous stylist, Garren, give me a mullet. I paid, tipped, and walked out of the salon. I looked at myself in the car mirror and wondered what the hell just happened? I lived with it for a day (Sunday) and then on Monday, I found the one salon open in Baltimore and got my hair cut off ala Annie Lennox from the Sweet Dreams days.

There were no other options, as my short hair on the "business side" was really, really short - the only solution left was to chop it off, making it almost even all over.

It grew, I lived. I went back to the same almost-famous hairstylist again and never spoke of the mullet. But what should I have done?

When you are getting a service from someone, always remember:

You have the right to speak up if you don't like what is happening. It's better to say, "wait! not so short" and stop them before you end up with something that will send you home angry or in tears.

You don't have to tip for a service that you don't like. But please don't use this as an excuse to be cheap if you didn't like the hot towels or if the music was too loud. If they did something you asked them not to or if they send you home looking crazy (Loxy, are you listening?) don't tip.

If you get home and you are still unhappy, call the salon and speak to the manager. I am positive they would rather retain you as a customer then lose you forever and will be happy to have you come back in and fix your flawed mane, usually for free.

On this flip side, don't take it out on your stylist by calling and saying they did a poor job, when in reality, they didn't make you look like Jennifer Aniston. If you show a haircut with the longest layer falling to your chin, don't be surprised when your hair ends up chin length. Discuss what you really want before you are shampooed, way before the shears come out of their sheath.

As for Loxy, shellshocked from his experience at the Hair Cuttery, he went to another local barber shop that was literally calling his name, Drew's Barber Shop, located in Parkville, MD. This barber shop took one look at him and said they had seen that cut many times before, from our friends at the Hair Cuttery. They showed him the big screen television, offered him a beer and fixed him up for $17. While his hair is a little short, it will grow and he can show his face in public.

And I can finally stop laughing.

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2009 Favorite Things Countdown #5

Today is the halfway point of my countdown. In the past 6 months (plus) I have been blogging, I have reviewed well over 225 products. Number 5 in my countdown is the one product that has made a visible, lasting, amazing result. The halfway point is also the day where I remind my Mom I was kind of chased by a bear. Atleast I didn't break an ankle while escaping. Anyone who knows me knows that breaking an ankle is the most likely ending to that story...

Favorite Thing #5: Marini Lash

I have mentioned that I have puny lashes. In fact, I have mentioned this over and over. While I have had success in the past, I have also tried products that left my lashes limp.

I recently tried Jan Marini Lash. Unlike Latisse, Marini Lash contains no prostaglandin, which is an FDA-approved drug to help those with minimal lashes grow longer, thicker lashes. Latisse has a great track record for results, but can also permanently darken your skin where the medicine is applied and it may change the color of your iris permanently.

According to their website, Marini Lash is totally safe to use and claims to help grow longer, thicker lashes by conditioning them with proprietary peptides. I used Marini Lash for 5 weeks. But for $160, can it possibly be worth it? When I started, my lashes looked like this:

You can see how short they are - they are almost impossible to curl! Even the best, most thickening and lengthening mascara can only do so much.

Here is what my lashes look like five weeks into this experiment. These next photos were all taken on the same day at the same time, with and without mascara. While my lashes will never be enviously long like some of my co-workers, they are border-line long for me.
It worked! I love it!

While Marini Lash is expensive at $160 (compared to Latisse's $115, one tube of Marini Lash, will last about 6 months. Latisse only lasts for one month. Compared with the cost of lash extensions or the prescription solution, for those with short, thin lashes who are nervous about the permanent side effects of Latisse, this is definitely worth considering. UPDATE! I have now been using this product for several months and my lashes are continuing to grow. It's truly amazing stuff!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

Glamping Day Four: The Bear
On our last day in Gatlinburg, I was awoken by Abz yelling, "OMG! A bear got into our trash! It's everywhere!" Like any good sleuth, I immediately put on shoes and ran outside to the scene of the crime. It was there that my father-in-law and I, he in his robe, discovered that our large protective trash bin had been carried from one end of the porch to the other. (These are claw holes from where the bear grabbed the bin.)

Our house happened to have a wrap around porch that went almost the entire distance around the cabin. You could only exit from the one side. The bin had been carried past several chairs that did not give a wide berth, a grill and my wet clothes from Zorbing.

The bear then apparently shook the large bin until the metal piece that kept it closed fell off. The doors then opened, the trash cans fell and the bear dragged the trash bags into the woods. It was everywhere. However, the bear kindly did not disturb the chairs, grill or my wet clothes, which was really nice, all things considered.

Everywhere we went in Tennessee, I saw the same message. Garbage Kills Bears. Being an animal lover and certainly NOT wanting to kill bears, I decided to pick up the garbage. While my mother-in-law later pointed out I didn't need to clean it up (??), I couldn't fathom leaving the trash there.

Picking up the stuff on the driveway was easy. Climbing down the muddy, steep hill in my MBT shoes and a skirt was a different matter. Not wanting to negligently kill a bear, I risked falling in mud to pick up gross leftovers. I continued to brace myself (which always yields a 50/50 chance of falling) on branches and rocks down the short incline to the tree line to retrieve the trash. (It is steeper than it looks here. Trust.)

When I made it to the tree line, I stood up and took a breath, looking back over my shoulder at all of the trash I had cleaned. Feeling proud, I looked down the mountain and then up at the clear blue sky. I was filled with pride from my good deed.

In the next breath, I heard the loud crackle that is only accomplished when something very large and very heavy moves in the woods. Instantly knowing the bear hadn't yet left the very trash I was collecting, I did what any good non-bear killer would do. I hiked my skirt up to my hoo-haa so my legs could take wide steps up the steep hill and I ran like nobody's business back into the house.

I would like to point out a few things:

1. I carried the collected trash with me and left it in the drive way.
2. I pulled my skirt down before running into house, where I almost smacked into my father-in-law, who looked perplexed as to why I was running.

I then hurried around telling everyone what happened. Loxy's bro and sister-in-law actually went outside looking for the bear. Don't ask, I don't know what they would have done if they found it. Perhaps just photographed it, I suppose. Loxy himself saw the bear from an upstairs window, but I was the only one with a close encounter of the bear kind.

What does this have to do with makeup?

After my encounter, I was visibly shaken and looked a little "off". Not wanting to go to breakfast at "Little House of Pancakes" looking disturbed, I turned to my new favorite trick to make your eyes look naturally amazing.I used Mally's Lash Illusion Liner under my eye, just along the base of my lower lashes. Then I lined the inner corner of my upper lash line with the same liner. Here is the key. I used Tarte's Rest Assured pencil on the inside rim of my lower eyelid. Then use the Rest Assured just under the line I already created under my lower lash line with the Mally pencil. I finished off my eye with the creamy shimmer part of Rest Assured just dotted and smoothed out in the inner corner. This makes your eyes pop while looking refreshed, without looking like you are wearing any makeup!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews. All rights reserved.

Monolid Solutions: Creating Double Eyelids with Eye Tapes

Perhaps one of the reasons why I never really ventured into alot of eye makeup is that it doesn't show up on my monolid eyes. I have unequal (there are days when my right eye crease is bigger than my left, and conversely), monolids that can be a pain to work with when putting on some eye colors (maybe because I'm so much a newb in it?)

I hauled some eye tapes and glue way back April 09 hoping to get a pretty pop with my peepers. And the eye tapes were actually impressive in giving me natural-looking double eyelids!

My monolid eyes

I got them from my Hongkong trip and have seen putting them up on sale these holidays.

I'm using the short eye tapes for my small eyes. I find them best for beginners.

Double eyelids are possible with eye tapes! My eye to your right has a tape.

Double eyelids can give an effortless ooomph to your peepers!

What I love about 'em:
  • they're transparent and a breeze to put on (after several practices, yes)
  • they make you really pretty. not that i hate my monolids, but they just make you appear doll-like!
  • they give you double eyelids even after you take em off (say you've been wearing them for 3hours or so... the double lids last a good 8 or more hours). I'm so amazed!
  • not icky sticky
  • comes off easy
  • no need to tug the eyes so you don't have to brood over getting wrinkles and all that!
  • you can still put eye primers/shadows on your lids even if you have em on

  • you'll have to practice creating your natural double lids... so this phase will waste a handful of the tapes. BUT You may want to check some posts or vids on how to put it right!
  • not locally available, BUT you may want to create your own eyelid tapes! or buy from
  • it'll stick out of your crease when placed wrongly
  • there are tutorials that involve poking the eyes (like how you would do it with eyelid glues), but I've learned how to put my tapes in a harsh-free manner


  1. Make sure you're working on clean, sweat-free lids! blot lids if necessary
  2. You may use tweezers, but clean fingertips can work well, too
  3. Stick the tape below your desired crease
  4. Start sticking the tape on the outer 2/3rds of the lids; never on the inner corners
  5. Don't be afraid to adjust! The tapes aren't that easy to lose their stick-on abilities.
  6. Harsh-free application means you have to practice, practice, practice!

What do you think? Are you ready to give your eyes a boost with eyelid tapes? Try cutting out your own tapes today for practice!

2009 Favorite Things Countdown # 7 and #6

Here is a look at my favorite shampoo and conditioner as well as the most overlooked product you probably don't own. (But you should!)

And here's two of my favorite interviews from the year. It's fitting they should be next to each other, since they are in cahoots about telling me I am perimenopausal.

Favorite Thing # 7: Mally Lash Illusion Eye Liner

I have been spending a lot of time lately, checking out liners that will work for the inner rim of the eye, the waterline. Some go on really nicely, some melt away and some can stay on like rock stars. But more on those later. In the meantime, I came across a liner that is slightly different from your normal pencil liner. It's still a pencil, it's still a black liner, but it's different from all of your other pencils.

Mally Beauty Lash Illusion Liner is a teeny, tiny pencil that is to be used to fill in spaces between your lashes, giving you a fuller lash line without looking like you're wearing liner. It's a time honored makeup artist trick, one you probably have been reading about since you were 15. You know the one: "gently dot right along your lash line and then connect the dots, making sure to stay right inbetween your lashes." And probably, like me, you tried. I tried for hours to make the dots work without looking like I was wearing liner. The problem? ALL pencils are too thick to make a line that isn't noticeable (see below for regular pencil "dots" vs. Mally).

My hands aren't steady enough to pull that off with a liquid liner and skinny brush, so it never worked for me. I can't get enough eyeshadow pigment on a tiny brush to make a noticeable difference.

Mally Beauty's Lash Illusion is a little pencil that does the job perfectly. How tiny is tiny? We are talking three-of-them-can-fit-in-the-width-of-my-middle-finger tiny. They are very pigmented and easy to use. You get two black/brown liners in a cute little case and luckily, they come with their own sharpener. Mally (makeup artist to super-performers like Beyonce, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and Mary J. Blige) suggests you hold the pencil up and down, perpendicular to your lash line and gently dot along your lashes, filling them in. While I can't seem to manage to do that, I have no problem just getting between my lashes and filling them in. This pencil specifically kicks butt for the lower lashes, where you can easily line lightly in between the lash line. You won't look like you are wearing eye liner, while making your eyes pop. It's a great trick, but you can only do it with this pencil (I am sure a pro can do it with something else, but I can't!). For $20, plus shipping from the Q, you'll get 2 pencils, the case and the sharpener. You have to have these little pencils in your bag of tricks. Especially if you don't like to wear a lot of makeup, these give your eyes some kick without looking like you are trying too hard.

I love them. Check them out!
(These were sent to me for the purposes of review.)

Favorite Thing # 6 Ever Pure Shampoo and Conditioner

So this review isn't really for a new product. In fact, I know news about this shampoo has been everywhere. But here's the deal - I didn't want Loreal's EverPure Moisture Shampoo to work. I told my friends they shouldn't use it. Over and over again.

Why? I feel like Loreal is playing on consumers' interest in the green initiative to get rid of harsh sulfates in a soap, with no real intent to be kind to my hair and the environment. That doesn't seem like a bad goal to have, being green, but I don't like to be so openly manipulated. It also bothers me because by saying that having sulfates (which are in everything) makes your shampoo bad, equals saying that every other hair product Loreal makes for colored hair is bad for your colored hair. As if they are admitting they have been pulling the wool over our eyes until the release of this product. The big sulfate we all know you must avoid is the harsh ammonium lauryl sulfate. Lauryl does have a sister detergent, Laureth, and she is not quite as harsh and is typically accepted to be better for color treated hair. That said, you may want to consider avoiding sulfates in general, but that is up to you.

Now, I eat crow.

This stuff really does work. My hair color, which is bright, bright red, has lasted longer for the last month than ever before. I haven't found myself reaching for a color depositing shampoo or conditioner and my hair is really, really shiny. I mean out-of-this-world, getting-compliments-all-of-the-time-shiny. My color hasn't faded. And for a red, that is saying something. The shiny, may be due in part to a conditioner (I'll get to that later). But for a product I wanted to fail, I really, really liked it!

I bought this item. Several times.

Quick Chat with Paula Begoun, The Cosmetics Cop

Paula Begoun has to be the original beauty blogger. Before blogs, before lightening fast Internet, there was a series of books called "Don't Go to The Cosmetics Counter Without Me". If you aren't familiar with this title, and you love cosmetics, these books will change your life. Paula reviews cosmetic products by their chemical composition, not by her opinion of what she personally likes.

Her reviews are like neutral ground; stable compounds that are packaged properly will get high marks. Outlandish claims or harsh unneeded fragrances will not do so well. If you ever want to know what products live up to their claims from a cosmetic chemist point of view, Paula is your gal. Better yet, become a paid subscriber to Paula's website, Beautypedia and never miss a thing. I am constantly reading her reviews and her online ingredient dictionary is my go-to resource for quick research.

I recently had the chance to chat with Paula very briefly on her Blog Talk Radio show. My question? What is going on with my skin? Why is the skin around my nose taking on a spongy appearance while the rest of my face still looks nice and smooth? Her answer? I might be perimenopausal.

WHAT? Wait, I am slipping into menopause? I'm 36! Paula mentioned that one thing that effects the size of pores is androgen. As the body doesn't make as much estrogen, pore size can increase. All of which, is a side effect of perimenopause.

OK. I would like to forget that portion of the conversation happened.

So let's skip ahead to what she said I could do to improve the size of my pores. "Avoid irritating ingredients in all of your skin care products. Be sure to use products that do not contain things like alcohol, peppermint and many plant extracts. Try to avoid fragrances, they just aren't needed. Look for a really great exfoliant. Salicylic acid is a great exfoliant that can help bring about changes in your skin and the texture. There are quite a few out there, but, call me biased, I really like my 2% Beta Hydroxy Acid Gel. It really helps exfoliate the skins surface, as well as the pore lining."

I mentioned that as a blogger I change products often, every four to six weeks, and Paula exclaimed, "Oh my. I guess bloggers have to do that, but everyone else shouldn't. Skincare is like your diet. Can you imagine if you ate all kinds of random foods constantly? You would have the worse case of indigestion ever. If you can find a regimen you like, stick with it. The better it is for you and the more consistent you are, the better your skin will look. And of course, be sure to wear your sunscreen protection."

Even if I deny I could be perimenopausal, it was so much fun to chat with someone who has been such an influence in my life for the last 15 years. Thanks, Paula!

Jan Marini Gets Serious About Skin Care
I recently had the chance to chat with skin care aficionado, Jan Marini, the woman behind JanMarini Skin Research. Jan's line is known for being a leader in new anti-aging, resurfacing and repairative skin technology. Since I am all about the science behind the products, I was thrilled to get a chance to speak with her and find out what products she would suggest to help my skin, as it begins the newest phase of the aging process.

First off, I should tell you that one of Jan's newer products, the Age Intervention Regeneration Booster uses topical Telomerase Enzyme therapies to deliver truly dramatically skin rejuvenation benefits. This therapy is so ground breaking, three scientists were recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work surrounding the anti-aging properties of telomeres. Clearly, her products go way beyond the glossy hype that surrounds so many of her competitors. I can't wait to get my hands on this tiny bottle of dramatic rejuvenation. More importantly, I couldn't wait to learn more from Jan herself.

Before I dive in to my skin care overhaul, here are some facts I learned by chatting with Jan Marini:

- Wrinkles are actually wounds to the skin. Wound research has shown that topical agents have the ability to help heal wrinkles. If you concentrate on skin cell communicating ingredients that aid in wound healing, you will have the ability to heal wrinkles (ie greatly diminish their appearance).

-80% of sun damage occurs before the age of 10. (10!?! I was thinking of how I could meet The Karate Kid and make him fall in love with me, not about wrinkle prevention!)

-If you have a blemish, dab a bit of cortisone cream on the spot and cover with a band aid. This yields a similar (although not exactly the same) result as getting an injection would.

While this isn't a fun fact, I did enjoy this portion of our conversation immensely (when speaking about another brand who uses a myth about mineral oil to promote their products):

"Mineral Oil is not bad for the skin. It is one of my favorite myths about skin and skin care - that skin needs to breathe. No one has ever shown me lungs within the skin and skin does not breathe. Mineral Oil is actually organic and it's job is to be occlusive. It's not a bad thing. It isn't causing the death of skin by not allowing it to breathe. Again, skin doesn't have lungs."

I love it when science trumps hype.

I was excited to get a chance to chat with her about what products would actually work for me. Perhaps someone can get to the bottom of this sponge-like appearance near my nose (which Paula Begoun said was due to being perimenopausal) and the fine lines around my eyes.

I explained to Jan that I had nice skin, with lots of (undeserved) melasma, that was very dry, with fine lines and had the spongey next-to-my-nose skin. Without missing a beat, Jan said the change in skin texture was no doubt due to becoming perimenopausal. If I didn't know better, I would say she and Paula Begoun were in cahoots.

Jan suggested an intensive treatment regimen to revamp my skin, help diminish fine lines and improve the radiance and texture of my skin. Thank goodness she sent me a checklist of what to do, because it is some serious skin care. It doesn't take any more time than what I usually do, but it is intensive.

Here is my plan:

Wash (in a specific way) using BioGlycolic Facial Cleanser twice per day. I have been doing that prior to our chat, so be on a the look out for a review soon!

Follow up with C-Esta Face Serum twice a day and BioClear Lotion in the evenings.

Use Age Intervention Face Cream and Age Intervention Eye Treatment twice each day.

Once per week, cleanse and treat with two enzyme treatments, Clean Zyme and Skin Zyme and use the Age Intervention Regeneration Mask (but not on the same day).

Of course, each day use the SPF 30 AntiOxidant Sunscreen (which is my favorite sunscreen of all time). I can't stress how important it is use to sunscreen anytime you are outside between the hours of 5am and 10pm. It's not about being sunny and needing sun screen. It's about preventing damage from the UVA and UVB rays you can't see. Rainy, cloudy or after 3pm, you still need to protect your skin from the sun.

It's intensive, but as I start week three I am seeing a difference. My skin is definitely smoother and is glowing. I am hopeful the fine lines will begin to diminish soon. You know I will give you the scoop, as soon as I can. For now, here's to fewer lines and glowing skin!

Products were sent to me for the purposes of review.

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New (and Final?) Layout

So I changed my template again.  This is the third time I'm dressing The Beauty Bin up since July this year.

I never fail to sleep at 5 or 6AM because dressing up blogs isn't as easy as pulling out clothes from one's wardrobe to mix and match.  Well maybe because I'm no techie.

Thank God for blogger resources I've googled up, else, I would've slept at a later later later time!  I found Blogger SentralDeluxe Templates and Tips for New Bloggers waaaaay helpful than I expected.

Original Blogger Template turned into.... new page!

I wanted a neat layout, a bigger space for the posts, and a design that loaded pretty quick (just think of the ads as helpful and revenue-generating clutters you can click on to help me).  All throughout the wee hours, I thought of how I can turn this site a home for my readers, too!

So here it is, I hope it didn't take forever to load up from your end.  If it did, hit me up and I can revamp The Beauty Bin the fourth time!

2009 Favorite Things Countdown #8

I am obsessed with getting magazine perfect skin. And I realize that isn't realistic. But I still want to have the best skin I personally can have. Here is my favorite cleanser from 2010.

One of the stories I love from this year is about my favorite foreigner who has more chutzpah than I ever dreamed. Being a soldier in the Israeli Army takes guts. Walking into a high end department store and asking for something totally foreign to you in another story.

Favorite Thing # 8: Jan Marini Bioglycolic Face Wash

I was thrilled when I was asked to review a facial cleanser by Jan Marini. She makes my all time favorite SPF and her lash treatment made my lashes lush, so I was excited to see what else she had to offer.

Jan Marini BioGlycolic Facial Cleanser is a cleansing lotion that Jan recommends for all skin types. I like to think of this cleansing lotion as more of a treatment than a cleanser. It contains glycolic acid, or Alpha Hydroxy Acid, which is known for it's incredible exfoliating abilities. We all know that putting something on your face and washing it off seconds later will not yield astounding results. However, I have found that since this cleanser is thick, you can leave it on your face for several minutes. I like to use it in conjunction with the Age Intervention Regeneration Facial Mask. This one-two punch really reveals younger-looking skin, leaving you glowing. Think of it as a booster for this amazing facial mask. Or on days when I don't have to wash my hair, I like to put it on while I take a shower. It really stays put and the extra minutes in a steamy shower open pores and give you more visible benefits. But be careful - this cleanser contains glycolic acid, so never use it around your eyes!

This product was sent to me for the purposes of review.

My Israeli Sister-In-Law Shocks Me With Sue Devitt Beauty

Why is this post worthy? I fall for new cosmetic lines all of the time. So what's the big deal? First, a little back ground info on my favorite Israeli sister-in-law.

Aya, my sis-in-law, was born and raised in Israel. In fact she lived in this lovely land (her home looked like a resort) until recently, when she went from the seaside Mediterranean lifestyle to the harsh, cold winters of Chicago & Michigan.

Aya is the antithesis of me. She loves the outdoors, she doesn't own a television and she has never worn makeup on a regular basis. She likes the water, she knows Krav Maga and she can back down the side of a mountain in a giant rental car without breaking a sweat. (I was there. It was terrifying.) I love her no matter what, but I am sure you can imagine how excited I was when she asked me for makeup advice on applying eye shadow on our "glamping trip".

Aya recently found herself far away from her home, where many women opt for a natural, no makeup look. That is certainly not to say that all Israeli women don't wear makeup, I am sure many do. But not my Aya. She just didn't feel it looked right on her. She loves to wear sunscreen to protect her fair skin and get out and enjoy the outdoors. She doesn't want to bother with runny mascara or lipstick as it interferes with her kayaking in Alaska. Aya had only worn makeup twice in her life. Once at my wedding and once at hers.

Then one day, Aya landed a nice job and started working with all kinds of women. Wanting to look more professional and polished, she bought some stuff at a drugstore, but didn't know how to apply it on or even how to make it stay on her face. So she did what any brave, self respecting girl would do.

She marched into her neighborhood Barney's and asked for help.

A makeup artist from Sue Devitt Beauty was happy to help. Aya told the artist she wanted to achieve a look similar to her friend, who swore by Sue Devitt. Aya wasn't interested in getting the same colors, but wanted to have the same beautiful, natural, easy, glowing look.

The makeup artist spent quite a bit of time showing Aya how to re-create a similar beautiful natural face and she ended up leaving with Foundation, Lip & Cheek Gel, Mascara, Under eye Corrector, 2 Eyeshadows, 2 Eye intensifier Pencils and a Sharpener. Considering she had barely ever purchased any makeup, I was shocked!

Aya couldn't stop telling me how much she loved the Eye Intensifier Pencils. She loved how smoothly and easily they glided onto her eye, giving her eyes some oomph. It's no wonder she loved them so much - they are a seriously technologically advanced eyeliner! These liners are smudge-proof and water resistant. They are formulated not to move, crease or smear, thanks to special ingredient Nylon-12, which expands and contracts with each facial movement.

The foundation evened out her skin and was a snap to apply. Aya actually enjoys putting makeup on now and loves how she looks. I thought she was gorgeous before, but I am sure she is now more polished, professional and sanguine.

What is the lesson of this story? Makeup doesn't have to be complicated, trendy or hard to apply. It can make you feel better about your appearance and more confident in your daily life. Just march into Barney's or Ulta and ask someone behind a Sue Devitt counter for some help. If Aya can try it, so can you!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews. All rights reserved.

Adopt a BB Cream This 2010!

It's a couple of days more before another year starts and I'd LOVE to celebrate it by sharing the love!

My beauty blogging colleague, Babyjap of the V-Spot, allowed me to check out Missha Watery BB Cream--- which I am now putting up for adoption.

If I get more than one adoption request for it, I will be raffling it off a few days after New Year

How to Adopt this Baby (open to ALL residents of the Philippines):

1. Briefly tell us why you want this baby in your kikay kit through a blogpost or any social media.
2. Link Babyjap's page and this page to that post.
3. Leave the link to that blogpost/social media share by commenting below.
4. Submission of adoption candidacies will close on January 10, 2010.

The future adoptive mom (or dad? well, guys can join...) of this Missha Watery BB Cream will be chosen on January 11, 2010. Shipping's on me.

2009 Favorite Things Countdown #9

It's no secret companies send me products for review. Some of them are met with giddy yelps of joy and some of met with gasps of "ugh". And sometimes those products I was not so excited about turn out to be wonderful beyond my imagination. Below is my favorite "ugh".

And as a blogger, I get to meet interesting people from time to time. Here is one interview that was fun to do (and made me realize I don't watch as much MTV as I use to.)

Favorite Thing #9: Payot Softening Deodorant Spray

As a blogger, sometimes I get items to review that I wasn't expecting. That was definitely the case with Payot Deodorant Softening Spray. Me? A French deodorant? Clearly someone missed the memo that I am a Suave 24 Hour Deodorant kind of girl. Yup. I'm a shvitzer. (TMI, sorry)

Here is a little background on Payot, since you probably haven't run into them very often.

Payot is the first skincare line developed by a doctor, Dr. Nadia Payot, also known as ‘The Godmother of French Skincare.’ She formulated the line in the 1920s, upon her return from an inspiring trip to New York City. In addition to creating a more pleasing aesthetic, Payot’s products were also developed to enhance the overall health and wellbeing of the woman who uses them. The doctor always approached skincare by keeping in mind that the skin is the body’s first line of defense against bacteria and germs. Payot products are formulated to help preserve the integrity of the skin, therefore, the total body.

As I mentioned, I am a Suave girl. I need odor and wetness protection. Payot promises to keep you smelling fresh by eliminating the oil that bacteria and germs need to thrive (and smell). This deodorant also keeps your underarms soft and irritation free with some help from Almond Extract. That all sounds good, but why should I switch? What is wrong with my regular stuff?

I turned to super friend, Xina, who is a natural health practitioner. Turns out, the big complaint about traditional deodorants is with aluminum, which is used to prevent perspiration. Metals have been linked to cancer and Alzheimer's Disease. However, studies actually proving this link are still in their infancy. If there is a risk, should you chance it?

So I tried Payot deodorant for one week. I didn't have high hopes. As I previously mentioned, I am a shivitzer (that means one who sweats, for those who don't speak Yiddish). I wore it for the first week and the only complaint I had was that there is a little sting if you apply it immediately after shaving. I would expect that with anything, so I can't hold that against Payot. I also wondered if the amazing odor control was due to the fact that my Super Strong Suave was left in my system.

So I wore it for a second week. It still performed perfectly, despite my last use of regular deodorant being more than a week behind me. That week the weather was cool for the summer, so I decide to extend my trial into a third week. I just can't fathom this deodorant is working this well.

During my third week, the weather hit and my stress levels soared. The Payot deodorant still worked beautifully. I'll say it. I didn't expect to, but I really like this! The more I learn about this brand, the more I am falling in love! I wish it were a little less expensive, but I have to admit, if you are looking for a non-traditional deodorant, don't less this pass you by! Plus their products smell SO incredible!

I was sent this product for the purposes of review.

I really like it. Check it out!

Allure and Sephora Show Love for Whitney Port

Last night at the Times Square Sephora, people were lined up to get a chance to see the new Whitney Eve collection and meet designer Whitney Port, star of The Hills and The City. The collection made its debut at Fashion Week in September and this freshman line has quite a bit of buzz.

Whitney has spent a lot of time and poured a lot of love into creating a collection she is really proud of, from casual pieces to much more structured dresses. The collection can be viewed at Whitney's website and select pieces are for sale on SeenOn!

I got a quick chance to chat with Whitney last night about her line, her makeup and looking amazing on MTV.

Gouldylox Reviews: What is your favorite piece in this collection?
Whitney Port: It would have to be the dress I am wearing. It closed my show at fashion week and I just love it.

GR: People often ask me to find out what products people on TV are wearing. I get a lot of questions about you. First off, you have amazing lashes! Be honest, are they real?
WP: (Laughing) They are all mine! I swear!

GR: Do you have help on the shows to look great? Or is it really up to you to look so fresh and radiant?
WP: We don't have hair and makeup on the show. I do everything. My makeup, my hair. It's all me. Ok, well, sometimes it's one of my best friends. She helps me out a lot.

GR: Your skin always looks amazing - dewy, but not too made up. What is your secret?
WP: I really like to use High Noon by Fresh. It just adds a tiny wash of color and a bit of a beautiful glow. Then I follow up with a little powder from Loreal. Honestly, that's it!

(photos by Abby Coplan)

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2009 Favorite Things Countdown #10

As the year comes to an end, I thought it would be fun to look back at some of my favorite products and my favorite adventures from this year. So starting today, here are my 10 favorite products, as well as my favorite experiences from 2010.

I can't be happy (or pleasant to be around) if my lips are dry, let alone chapped. Here's my favorite lip balm from this year.

If you haven't noticed, one of my favorite things to do is to get or give makeovers. They make me feel giddy like a little kid, with all of the possibilities that are, well possible, with a makeover. After the review is one of my favorite makeovers from the year.

Favorite Thing #10: Fresh Sugar Rosé Lip Balm

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record. I have dry skin. The weather changes and it hurts. Blah blah blah. I know that everyone doesn't have the same dry skin issues I do. But for my dry skin sisters out there, here is my latest find.

I first tried Fresh's Sugar Lip Treatment last winter and fell in love. It's so soft, nourishing and soothing, it became a staple in purse and on my night stand. Recently, Fresh launched the same Sugar lip treatment in a Rosé tinted formula.

This formula has the same SPF 15 to protect your lips, sugar to keep your lips moisturized, and Meadowfoam and Apricot seed oil that are rich in hydrating fatty acids and vitamin E. It still has antioxidants and Vitamins A and C to help protect from free radicals. This new formula is enhanced with a bright berry hue to give a natural flush to your lips.

I admit, when I first saw this color, I was crestfallen. It looked too bright to be my new go-to product. But when I put it on, I fell in love. It isn't anywhere near as bright as it appears, but is nicely pigmented to give your pout a slight blush. For $22.50, this product is definitely on the expensive side for lip balm. However, you will love how soft your lips feel, especially if you are truly one of my brethren suffering from winter weathered dry skin.

Check it out. I love it!

(Disclaimer: I purchased the original Fresh Sugar Lip Balm and received the Rosé Tinted Lip Balm from the company for the purposes of review.)

Times Square Reader Makeover

Last week I was in NYC shooting a commercial. Robin, one of my loyal readers, realized I was nearby and asked for a makeover. How could the retired makeup artist in me refuse? I couldn't! The event? While I would love to say it was for the 15th anniversary of her bat mitzvah (it was!), she was really meeting her new beau in Times Square to watch the World Series on the jumbo trons. She wanted flawless skin and to make her baby blue eyes pop.

(A before picture of Robin)

As I have mentioned, I spend way too much time in Sephora, and have no problem making myself at home. The first stop? The TEMPTU air brushing station. I sat Robin down, picked the lightest color they make, Porcelain, and began spraying away. After explaining to a customer service assistant that I didn't need help and promised not to break it (or air brush anyone else, despite their queries) Robin had really amazingly flawless skin.

(Illamasqua Sheer Lip Gloss in Tantrum)

Next, I showed Robin the new lip gloss I am obsessed with, Illamasqua Sheer Gloss in Tantrum, a deep violet sheen. This color made her eyes pop and became the muse for her whole look.

(Delight by LORAC)
(Celebutante by LORAC)

We went with bright LORAC eyeshadow; Delight all over the eyelid and Celebutante as a thick, but sheer cat eye liner. Next came a lash-hugging application of Front of the Line by LORAC in black to give her already long lashes a boost. I also gave her eyebrows definition with all my time favorite Auburn Essential Brow Powder, by Bare Escentuals. We finished off her eyes with Bare Escentuals Buxom Mascara, which gave her long lashes some extra oomph in the thickness department.

Robin has a natural pink flush. While camouflaged by the TEMPTU foundation, I didn't want it to show through. Since her eyes were already screaming candy, we went with a slightly more subdued peachy-pink in Coralista by Benefit. Just a tiny bit of color topped off with Flawless Radiance by Bare Escentuals and she looked amazing!

Afterwards, we headed out into the masses to take one last picture and find her friends. Thanks Robin!

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