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What I'm Watching: Royal Pains, USA,Thursdays, 10pm

It's summertime and the livin is...outside. Apparently, summer television this season is something the networks forgot to schedule. It is just me or is there not much on? There is Burn Notice (thank goodness it's back to it's normal self), Whale Wars (they are seriously getting a little out of control), True Blood (Sookie is getting annoying), Nurse Jackie and Hung. Otherwise there isn't much on.

While I can't say the writing is amazing and the story is definitely predictable, I really like Royal Pains (USA, Thursdays, 10pm). I like the characters quite a bit. I will go as far to say I even look forward to it. Here is the gist of the show:

Hank, a doctor recently fired for letting an esteemed hospital donor die, takes a break in "Worst" Hampton and he finds himself at the beck and call of the Hamptons elite. Hank ends up in all kinds of situations dealing with the richdiculous as well as the not-so-well-off. From deflating an over-sized breast before a party to helping aristobrats continue to party and stopping a guy with diabetes from dying, Hank, his brother and his physician's assistant Divya have all kinds of medical misadventures while everyone around them is on vacation.

Granted, another show about rich people being rich while I am not is a little annoying. Despite that, the characters are charming and the story lines are thoroughly entertaining. It's definitely better than Wipeout or Housewives of Pick-a-City reruns.

You can catch up online this week and the show is back with new episodes next week. What are you watching?

Check it out!

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