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Kate Somerville Quench, Oh How I Love Thee

I love Kate Somerville. I love that she makes an SPF to be used separately from a moisturizer and makeup. I love that she packages her products in a way that keeps the high end ingredients stable. And I luerve the way my skin looks and feels after less than a week using Quench.

Quench is the number one seller in the Somerville line and a red carpet favorite. A bit out of my price range at $65 for 1 ounce, I could not be deterred from trying it. After using it once, my skin looked more radiant, felt amazingly smooth and looked, well, awesome. Even my go-to-guru, Paula Begoun at Beautypedia agreed that this formula is worth the money. Quench contains potent cell-communicating antioxidants and retinol and is fragrance and preservative free. Some have complained they dislike the texture, saying it is too much like baby oil. While the texture is similar, it absorbs so quickly that it doesn't bother me. I have really dry skin, and it is making a difference in the look and feel of my skin. If your skin is oily, Kate still recommends using Quench and personally, because the ingredients absorb so quickly, I think you would forget how it feels when it goes on and just bask in the glow that is your new skin.

I love this. You may not be able to live without it.

I paid for this product.