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Hello Old Friend, Sorry I Forgot About You: Origins

Years ago, when I worked across the street from the Origins boutique, I was there all of the time. They knew me by name and would hold product aside for me, before I even asked. One of my favorite products was Peace of Mind. For those of you who don't know, Peace of Mind is a lotion that you apply to your earlobes, temples and back of your neck to help relieve tension and stress. Basil, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils provide sensory therapy that ultimately leads to relaxation. My favorite way to use this? Put a dab on three fingers, tap them against the same three fingers on your other hand and inhale several times very deeply. It sends a minty coolness deep into your center. The relaxing scent (along with the deep breathing) help soothe away stress. How did I forget about this? If you haven't tried it, for $10, you can't lose. You'll thank me later.

The main reason I went to Origins, however, was because of a beauty blog written by my favorite pro, Melissa of In My Professional Opinion. She mentioned that one of her go-to tricks to make eyes look open, awake and white is to use a little bit of Origins Eye Brightening Color Stick in Ice Blue on your waterline (the inside rim of your eye). This color looks more natural then plain old white and the blue makes your eyes look very white, awake and refreshed. Who doesn't need that? When I wore this today, Mr. Lox mentioned that my eye makeup looked different today - that my eyes looked very clear and pretty. When I asked if he noticed anything specifically different, he didn't, which made me happy. Melissa's trick fooled him - score!

I am loving both of these. Check them out!

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