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Five Fun Finds: Summer Products I Love Right Now

1. Milani Lip Mixer in 702. This super hydrating, shimmery nude color gives you come-hither lips for under $7. It's not sticky, it wears for a nice amount of time for a glossy-gloss and looks amazing.

2. Whispering Windz Foaming Sugar Body Scrub. I fell in love with Whispering Windz Foaming Jar Soap and can't fathom using the rest of the bottle of drugstore detergent sitting in the shower. Imagine my excitement when I got my hands on the Foaming Sugar Body Scrub in Coconut Almond Cream Pie. This sugar scrub is not for the meek - it is uber-grainy and will slough away anything that needs sloughing. Be sure not to abuse it's powers! Plus it smells so amazing, I keep catching Mr. Lox trying to eat it.

3. Sonia Kashuk Blending Sponge. This non-latex sponge works wonders on your foundation and concealer. It doesn't seem to absorb product the way other sponges do and the pointy end speeds up the whole liquid foundation process.

4. Mermaid to Order by OPI for Sephora. Gouldylox reader Heather mentioned that these polishes were ultra long-wearing and chip-resistant and she wasn't kidding. Nothing short of sandpaper could have pried that color off of my toes. (Ok. Honestly, nail polish remover worked. You don't really need sand paper.)

5. Bare Escentuals Moisturizing Burst Spray. I love to keep this in the fridge and spritz on when I need to wake up my makeup after a long day, take away the over powdery look when I am a little too heavy-handed with the finishing powder or just relax. It feels great, it's cool (when kept in the fridge) and the RareMinerals complex feeds your skin essential nutrients.

6. Kai Fragrance Perfume Oil. I have recently found so many products I am excited about that I had to add a sixth! Kai Fragrance Perfume Oil is a roll on fragrance that literally stopped me in my tracks when I received a sample from (Technically, I made Mr. Lox pause the television and smell me.) According to the packaging, it smells slightly different on everyone. On me, it reminds me of when I was little, playing near the fence where my Mom grew a bit of honeysuckle. Other perfumes have similar notes, but on me, this is a true honeysuckle, without being too sweet. JULY 31 ONLY - use code PAYDAY at b-glowing when you check out and get 15% off!

What are you loving right now?

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Payot Softening Spray Deodorant

As a blogger, sometimes I get items to review that I wasn't expecting. That was definitely the case with Payot Deodorant Softening Spray. Me? A French deodorant? Clearly someone missed the memo that I am a Suave 24 Hour Deodorant kind of girl. Yup. I'm a shvitzer. (TMI, sorry)

Here is a little background on Payot, since you probably haven't run into them very often.

Payot is the first skincare line developed by a doctor, Dr. Nadia Payot, also known as ‘The Godmother of French Skincare.’ She formulated the line in the 1920s, upon her return from an inspiring trip to New York City. In addition to creating a more pleasing aesthetic, Payot’s products were also developed to enhance the overall health and wellbeing of the woman who uses them. The doctor always approached skincare by keeping in mind that the skin is the body’s first line of defense against bacteria and germs. Payot products are formulated to help preserve the integrity of the skin, therefore, the total body.

As I mentioned, I am a Suave girl. I need odor and wetness protection. Payot promises to keep you smelling fresh by eliminating the oil that bacteria and germs need to thrive (and smell). This deodorant also keeps your underarms soft and irritation free with some help from Almond Extract. That all sounds good, but why should I switch? What is wrong with my regular stuff?

I turned to super friend, Xina, who is a natural health practitioner. Turns out, the big complaint about traditional deodorants is with aluminum, which is used to prevent perspiration. Metals have been linked to cancer and Alzheimer's Disease. However, studies actually proving this link are still in their infancy. If there is a risk, should you chance it?

So I tried Payot deodorant for one week. I didn't have high hopes. As I previously mentioned, I am a shivitzer (that means one who sweats, for those who don't speak Yiddish). I wore it for the first week and the only complaint I had was that there is a little sting if you apply it immediately after shaving. I would expect that with anything, so I can't hold that against Payot. I also wondered if the amazing odor control was due to the fact that my Super Strong Suave was left in my system.

So I wore it for a second week. It still performed perfectly, despite my last use of regular deodorant being more than a week behind me. That week the weather was cool for the summer, so I decide to extend my trial into a third week. I just can't fathom this deodorant is working this well.

During my third week, the weather hit and my stress levels soared. The Payot deodorant still worked beautifully. I'll say it. I didn't expect to, but I really like this! The more I learn about this brand, the more I am falling in love! I wish it were a little less expensive, but I have to admit, if you are looking for a non-traditional deodorant, don't less this pass you by! Plus their products smell SO incredible!

I was sent this product for the purposes of review.

I really like it. Check it out!

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Sneak Peek! Bare Escentuals Insider Eye Liner, Buxom Lip Stick and More!

I love Bare Escentuals and I have the collection to prove it. Recently, I was really excited to check out the Matte Foundation, which didn't make me itch in the summer heat and did make me look fabulous. I am also a big fan of most of their lip glosses, so imagine my delight when I found out they were releasing a Buxom Lipstick/Lip Polish hybrid!

The Buxom Lip Stick features the color of a lip stick, the plumping of a Buxom Lip Polish and a built-in sharpener so you can use it as a liner. I tried the color Milan, which is an apricot color, and falls somewhere between the original lip colors Ginger Snap and Truffle. It goes on smooth with a twinge of Buxom freshness. It also lasts for a really long time.

It's not glossy on its own, but when I added a little Amber Buxom on top of Milan, it looked amazing! (Shown above without gloss.) These lipsticks are also chock full of Vitamins A,C and E, making them hydrating to wear. The new Buxom Lipsticks are available in 6 flattering shades, retail for $18 and are available from Sephora in August.

Bare Escentuals is also releasing a new eyeliner this month; Buxom Insider Eyeliner. This eyeliner is made specifically for the inner rim of your lower lid (the waterline) as well as along your upper lash line. I got my hands on emerald, a silky smooth, long lasting green shade. This eyeliner is infused with a healthy blend of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants to protect from further environmental damage. Since you are applying it in such a small area, I am not sure exactly what it is protecting me from, but that's OK. The color looks great, applies like a dream and is long lasting. It's not waterproof, which I don't really understand. How long can it stay on your waterline without a little help? Mine lasted for about 3 hours on the waterline and about 14 hours along my upper lash line. Here is my best attempt at a photo to show you how great this green is (accept my apologies now, please). The color reminds me a little bit of the shadow color Green Tea, but it is less blue and more green without being an overly dark green or a vibrant jewel tone. It's really pretty and not your typical green liner. Insider Eyeliners are available in 6 colors, including Pearl, which I am dying to try. They retail for $14 and will be available at Sephora in August.

Finally, I was lucky enough to be able to check out bareMinerals Flawless Definition Mascara, which I am also wearing in the snap above and below. I really like this mascara! It gives you a longer and thicker lashes, without smudging or falling apart midday. The best part of this mascara is no doubt the brush - it is full at one end and really thin at the other, which is perfect for getting every little lash.

It is also packed with Jojoba Oil, Meadowfoam Seed Oil, Vitamin E and Shea Butter to condition and fortify your lashes. You really need to check this out! (The picture above was taken at the end of the day and there is no mascara on the lower lashes.) It is available everywhere in August and retails for $18.

I love this. Check it out!

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Gouldylox and the Tale of the Solerra Tanning Mitts

There are two things about me you should know, if you don't already. I am really pale. I am so a klutz. In fact, I am such a klutz that once, on twitter, someone I didn't know picked up a tweet about my falling out of a parked car (I did) and tweeted something like, "if you think you are clumsy, you have nothing on Gouldylox". It was not my proudest moment (but was really funny. Thanks @Uncreative.)

I am also really pale. Being basically Irish ensures I have really fair skin, with the exception of ] tough melasma blotches. I am the perfect candidate for faux tanning. Which is why I couldn't pass up the chance to check out Solerra Tanning Mitts.

These tanning mitts are not your mother's self tanner. First of all, they come with a nifty plastic glove inside of the mitt, so your hands stay nice and free of faux glow. Even I could manage to cut on the dotted line and insert my hand without making a mess. (Just be sure the plastic inside is open before you stick your hand in.) The ones I tried come with a color additive that shows you just where you have applied the color, ensuring a perfect tan. These mitts smell fresh and not like the dreaded self-tanner stink we are all use to. It actually moisturizes your skin, dries quickly and lasts for up to 10 days. Solerra Tanning Mitts can do this because of their use of Invisicare technology.

Invisicare encapsulates sunless tanners and moisturizing technology and bonds them to the skin forming an "invisible layer" of tanning beauty. Skin can breathe and respire normally to promote good skin health while bonding the Invisicare layer to the active ingredients.

The Invisicare ® layer allows deep penetration and even all-over absorption without the use of silicones, alcohol, gels, waxes or other skin damaging delivery systems. This penetration oxygenates the epidermal layer naturally promoting healthier, youthful looking skin.

Invisicare also forms a water-proof, sweat-resistant bond that won't clog pours (non-comedogenic) to insure the healthiest, longest lasting sunless tanning experience.

Sunless tanning molecules are bound to the skin cells with Invisicare to guarantee even, all-over absorption. The longer and stronger the bond between the molecules insures they will penetrate the outer layer completely. The reason many sunless products fade in 2-4 days is they were never absorbed into the outer epidermal layer properly. A darker tan that lasts longer (7-10 days) and resists streaks during application is the end result!

I was so excited to try these mitts that as soon as I got home, I hopped in the shower, exfoliated and prepared to become a bronze goddess. A few hours later, my arms, decolletage and neck looked amazing. Streak-free, natural and even smelled great!

My legs, on the other hand, were a different story. They were really uneven - not so much from streaks, but from missed spots. Mr. Lox tried to assure me they weren't that bad. However, before I cry foul on the faux tan, I have to admit it is likely to be pilot error. Let me tell you why.

I am not good at things that take coordination or timing or the ability to tell if something is done evenly. Do you remember the Perfect Pancake? You could not escape the infomercial a few years ago. If you can turn a door knob, you can make a Perfect Pancake. Simple right? The infomercial had little kids and grandmas making perfect pancakes like nobody's business. So I figured I could do it too. I put in the batter, waited the amount of time suggested and flipped the Perfect Pancake. It did not go well. When I turned the handle, the way you turn a door knob, batter flew EVERYWHERE. On the stove, the walls, the ceiling, the sink. The cat and I were covered in batter. The wall phone, on the other side of the kitchen was all covered in pancake. Mr. Lox could not stop laughing, which almost caused me to throw the remaining batter directly at him. I guess I was supposed to open the door/turn the pancake slower. Who does that? Who turns a door knob that slowly unless you are in a horror movie? My point is, I am not good at things many people find so easy that anyone can do it. I can't blame Round One on the mitts. I have to blame myself.

Round Two: After exfoliating and using the mitt again, my arms, neck and decolletage still look amazing. The gams are glowing gorgeously too! There are a few places I appear to have missed and I wish the immediate color was a little darker. For the most part the color looks great. I think I am the only one who will notice my little slip ups around the heel. My favorite part? It doesn't smell like your standard DHA tanners! I am not sure I will get 10 days out of this tan, but even less than half of that is better than what I was getting with my old lotion. Despite my inadequacy at self-tanning, I look pretty darn good. And if I can do it...

I like this! Check it out!

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My Sunday Staycation: Whispering Windz Farm

Not to be a whiner, but life has been a little on the suck side lately. (Cue blues music now) My 14 year old kitty, Scout, is really sick. Mr. Lox lost his job (he's a writer) and my Mom has been in the hospital. What does all of that mean? It means I don't get to go to the beach this year.

That stinks. I like the beach. I like laying out (slathered in SPF 70) with a good book and cooling off in the ocean, despite my irrational fear of sharks. So what is a girl to do? Clearly, a Staycation is in order. For those who choose not to watch morning news programs, a Staycation is where you pretend to be on vacation, but instead, you stay home. No housework, no email, no work-related anything. If you plan it out, it can be really nice. So here is what I did.

Sunday morning, I woke up and took a shower using this amazingly hydrating jar soap by Whispering Windz Farm. This little shop makes the most enticing soaps and lotions. When I was selecting my scent, my mouth literally watered (especially over pink sugar frosting and sugar lemon ice). I dare you to read through the scent listings and NOT have that reaction.

In order to have a proper Staycation, I selected Sandy Beach. Sandy Beach Jar Soap is a bath, shower, shaving cream and moisturizing shampoo in one. It is made with loads of hydrating ingredients, including Goat Milk, Shea Butter, Aloe Vera, Sweet Almond Oil, Sunflower Oil, Vitamin E, Grapeseed Oil, Apricot Kernal Oil and Jojoba Oil. It feels fantastic on your skin, leaving it really soft. When I used my bath pouf, it foamed nicely and was really luxurious. The best part for me is the Sandy Beach scent. It smells like suntan lotion, sand, salt water and a little bit of sweetness wafting over from the boardwalk. It put me in the mood for my pretend beach staycation!

Iced drinks prepared, suntan lotion applied, books ready, hammock positioned and ice cream treats for the pooches, I headed outside. Ahh.

The weather was lovely, I smelled like the perfect day on a relaxing beach and my skin was nice and soft. The final touch? A few spritzes of Whispering Windz Farm Hair and Body Mist in Sandy Beach and I was relaxing on a beach, instead of on my deck. When I closed my eyes, it really worked. I was relaxing, vacation style!

It was a good Staycation day. I didn't even mind when Mr. Lox forgot I was out there and locked me out of the house. I love this jar soap so much, I have raced through my sample and already placed an order for a full size - I don't want to be without it!

You need this. Check it out!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews. All rights reserved.

The Secret Behind Curling Mascaras

Ever wonder what miracle additive makes your lashes curl when you use a curling mascara? I do. I have teeny little lashes and they need all of the help they can get. Recently, I was really pleased with how Lumene's Blueberry Curl Mascara worked and wondered what caused difference between Lumene and every other curling mascara I have tried.

My quest lead me to a secret source, on a sunny coast, who works for one of the Bigs. I can't say the name of the company, but I can tell you he works in R&D (research and development) and has been instrumental in some of the most popular selling mascaras recently. When I asked what ingredient made the mascara have curl power, the answer I got was a little surprising. Ozokerite? Filmifying polymer? Magic dust?

He said that while there are some ingredients that can enhance curl, what really creates the curl is the type of brush you use. A brush that is firm and helps coat the lash - actually forcing the lash to bend as you apply the mascara is muy importante. Another factor is how the water evaporates out of the product as it dries.

Think of hair mousse from back in the day - it dried crunchy and curly, but you had to let it air dry. The curling action happens as the water evaporates, causing the polymer or film to shrink, forcing your precious lashes to curl in response to the mascara tightening as it dries. So the key is the brush and how it interacts with air?

Not the answer I was looking for. I was hoping I could isolate some wonderful ingredient like Magic Curl Polymer 6B and only buy mascara boasting that ingredient, thus having pretty, curled lashes ever after. Sigh.

Are there any options guaranteed to work? If serious curl is what you are after, you can have your lashes permed, which my secret source says he has done (and really liked). You can have it done in a salon in the states, but in Europe, you can do it yourself at home.

In the meantime, I am currently digging Lumene Blueberry Curl, Blinc, Rimmel Glam Eyes and Max Factor Lash Perfection Volume Couture. Let me know what you think!

Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews

Hyper Luxe Media Network Round Up

Askmewhats has nail art tutorial for bling bling nails.

The Beauty Chick reviews CoverGirl and Olay Simply Ageless Sculpting Blush.

Beauty Junkies Unite shows you the right way to get cheeky with 4 easy cheek stains.

Best Things in Beauty spotlights the new
Giorgio Armani Beauty Fall 2009 colors.

Claire's Beauty gives
Clarins Delicious Self-Tanning Cream a test drive.

Denim Debutante has an in-depth review of Paige Premium Denim.

Fabulous Over Forty is giving away Sothys Sun Care to one lucky reader. Enter now.

The Glamour Whore shows off the hair raising talent of Olivier Chomienne.

Gloss Menagerie reviews
Softlips Pure Honeydew.

Gouldylox Reviews sneak peek at Milani Eye Tech Infinite Liquid Liners.

Hairs My Story has a gorgeous summer tropics FOTD.

in a word...fab has a sneak peek at J.Crew's Fall 2009 Collection.

It's complexion week at the Informed Makeup Maven, and don't forget to enter her cool giveaways this week!

Krasey Beauty discovers the beauty in
going organic with Revolution Organics.

Visit Lipgloss Break and Enter to win The Cure 24/7 hair treatment and Sunkissed Glow fragrance by JLo!

My Beauty Bunny shows you how to get gorgeous, healthy, post-beach hair!

Sicka Than Average
schools you on the best sunscreens for that pretty little face of yours. Protect ya neck!

ThisThatBeautystrong runs down fall's hottest collections!

Unfunded takes on Farmer John with some killer denim cut-offs.

VexInTheCity invites you to
share her addiction - her make up collection.

***Affiliate of the Week***

The Style and Beauty Doctor will show you how to keep your blowout for blowing up.

For more information on The HLMN or on becoming an affiliate please visit our

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Call the Girl Police: The Bath Project, Part 2

I finally conceded that I couldn't suck it up and take a bath. Don't get me wrong, I do take showers and am very clean. It's an irrational fear of water. Let's move on.

Xina kindly agreed to check out Botanical Bath Salts from The Bath Project for me, as she is very brave. (Plus she has a new fancy bathroom, so any excuse is probably welcomed.) A little bit about Xina: she is really into natural health and is actually a natural health practitioner. She knows her stuff. Xina is also a mosaic artist and designer who works on a lot of non-profit projects (which you know I appreciate!).

So what did she think? I will start out by saying Xina is a tough critic who likes what she likes. The product she tested contained Epsom salts, Chamomile, Lavender, Licorice Root and other natural and good for you goodies. She gives the ingredients big props for being serious stress busters. She loved the scent of the bath salts in the jar and wished the scent was actually stronger in the tub. This fact surprised me, as her nose is very sensitive.

Xina was excited to try a movie-worthy bath, laced with flower petals and other beautiful bits. Never having had a romantic feature-film style bath, she was curious to check it out. However, she wondered if it was going to be similar to when she wanted a skylight in the bedroom, which turned out to be better as an idea than it was in reality.

Xina found the bath very relaxing, but she was distracted by the floating flora. Turns out, for her, floaty bits are not up her alley, despite how pretty they looked. She said the bath did make her skin slightly softer, which was very nice. She did feel the need to rinse off to remove the flowery pieces after the bath. Since I don't take baths, I'm not sure if that is standard operating procedure or not. I don't get the whole process, so you decide.

I think the floating beauty that accompanied this bath would be appreciated by some, but sadly, it is wasted on Xina. However, if you prefer all natural products and are longing for a romantic bath, this is the product for you!

I'm afraid of the tub. You check it out!

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You Might Have to Call the Girl Police : The Bath Project

I recently received some products from the lovely people at The Bath Project. They were kind enough to send me an array of wonderful goodies; some delicious lip scrub (I can't help but eat it), some yummy body frosting (I want to eat it), wax melts (which smell really nice, but you can't eat them), a brownie-like bar of soap (that Mr. Lox almost took a bite of) and some beautiful Botanical Bath Salts.

Here is the honest truth. Many moons ago, The Bath Project was one of the first companies to contact me about reviewing their products. I couldn't have been more excited. A young beauty blogger's dream is to have someone say the magical words, "would you be interested in receiving some product to review?" I know all of you bloggers who have been around for years are flooded by wonderful PR reps who send you loads of stuff you wouldn't even think about giving away. But not me. That email made my week.

However, there is a downside. But we will get to that in a minute. First, let me tell you a little about The Bath Project. The company was founded by a massage therapist, Shannon Thompson, who was bitten by the beauty bug and never looked back. She makes wonderful, natural soaps, scrubs, hair mists, candles, bath salts, lotions, body butters and anything else you can think to use in a bathroom (from a beauty standpoint). The products are made fresh to order (literally!!) and are so natural you can even eat some of them. (I have. Yum!)

One thing I really like about Shannon and her company is that they also give back to women who aren't as fortunate in their community. I think volunteering, donating or working towards a cause because it is just is something everyone should do a little bit more of (or a lot of, depending). Plus, they don't work on weekends, because that is when they spend their quality family time. You gotta love that. If only I could learn that lesson.

I have personally tested most of what The Bath Project sent me. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the lip scrub. Did I mention that I like it? Made from sugar, oil and a few other goodies, it makes my lips feel really soft and plush and tastes really sweet (I love to lick it off!). Nothing makes my lips as smooth and sweet as this concoction does. Topped off with a hydrating balm or Pucker Butter and it's a little bit of delicious heaven. The brownie soap, which I was honored to be among the first to check out, smells and looks like a real brownie. YUM! Mr. Lox almost took a bite of it, which would have been hilarious, had I not stopped him. The body frosting in Mango Lime, which also smells dreamy, is moisturizing and a wonderful treat when you get out of the shower. Plus, it smells exactly like what it is called. Nothing is artificial or chemical smelling. It makes my mouth water just to smell it! All of their products are handmade and are a fabulous find for you or as a gift for a friend.

Back to the downside. Rewind back to when I first received that wondrous email from Shannon, owner and creator of The Bath Project many moons ago. You might have to call the girl police and file a report or pull my beauty blogging card for what I am about to tell you. But...well...I don't take baths.

It's not because I think soaking in your own dirty water is a little weird (although I do). That isn't the reason. I wish it was that simple. The real reason is that I am terrified of sharks.

Always have been. Since I was a wee lass. I think I stared at the cover of my mom's Jaws novel for too long. I also don't go in pools (unless there is other bait, and then, only to get wet), lakes, ponds, cruises and heaven forbid I DON'T GET IN POOL LOUNGE CHAIRS. I worked on a TV spot for a National Aquarium and the footage made me jump each time the blowfish blew. I know it's crazy. I fully recognize this. To add to the insanity, I will get in the ocean. But only for a moment.

When Shannon contacted me, I decided to be a big girl and get over it. How ironic is it that the first company to contact me has BATH in the company name? I can get over that irrational, stupid fear, right? That very night, Mr. Lox got the bright idea to watch Rogue, a movie about a giant killer crocodile, which seriously set me back. (Although it is also really good.)

It was then I realized I can't take a bath. Even for the sake of beauty, science or country. I just can't do it. Mr. Lox offered to sit in the bathroom with me and I still chickened out. Sorry. I will do a lot of things. But I will not bathe (in a tub).

Enter super friend, Xina. Xina is a real girl. She takes baths. She is also a natural health practitioner, so she knows about natural stuff. (That said, she still eats cookies from the grocery store and stocks up on Diet Mountain Dew when I come over, so she's cool.) Which is why I am turning over the first product ever to be sent to Gouldylox Reviews to her - The Bath Project Botanical Bath Salts.

Check in tomorrow to see what she thinks.

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Sneak Peek! Milani Infinite Liquid Liners

Here is a fact most of my friends don't know. I have a hobby - besides playing with makeup, teaching kids to read using therapy dogs and watching lots of television. It's a weird hobby, but those who travel with me for work know it to be true.

I love to check out drugstores in different markets. I go to LA and I yearn to go to the Longs on Hollywood. In NYC, I "offer" to go and get my co-worker medicine from Duane Read whenever they sneeze. In Albuquerque, I came up with reason after reason describing why I HAD to go to Walgreens. And in Florida, when my in-laws made me uncomfortable, I turned to the neighborhood Rite Aid to find solace. Different markets carry different products and I feel compelled to find them. It's my thing.

Recently, I stopped into a new(ly remodeled) CVS in the Baltimore area and the makeup merchandiser happened to be working. She pulled me aside and said, "You must get this now. It is seriously amazing and there is only one left in blue." I said, "But I am more of a purple or green girl. That blue is crazy blue." She pulled the last one off of the shelf and put it in my hand. Then she said, "Come back on Wednesday. We should have the purple and the green back in stock by the afternoon. I'm not kidding. You need this."

The next thing I knew, I was applying a shockingly blue eyeliner in the car mirror.

WOW. Why didn't I know about these Liquid Liners by Milani sooner? How could I have missed this? My favorite trend for the summer is electric colored eyeliner and I thought I had found almost everything. How did these get by me? Probably because they are so new, they are not even featured on the Milani website. They claim to last for 24 hours and they come in five amazing colors:

The liners should be in stock at your local CVS, but go quickly, as they are flying off of the shelves! Today I rocked a serious blue eye and my liner looks as fresh now as it did more than 12 hours ago. Plus, the thin applicator makes outlining your eyes a snap and it's waterproof. The best part? They are under $7 each!

Are you brave enough to wear them? Tell me!

Update -This is what the liner looked like on my eye (which sadly is not awesome eye pictured above).

You need this. Check it out!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Copyright 2009, Gouldylox Reviews. All rights reserved.

Laura Geller: Baby Cakes Complexion Palette and Brush

I love it when companies make it easy to check out their signature products in a useful collection. When I find something I like, I really like to dive in. Have you seen the makeup bag I carry in my purse daily? Laura Geller makes it easy with the Baby Cakes Baked Complexion Palette and Brush. The kit features her signature Balance-n-Brighten Powder, Ethereal Rose Face Powder and Bronze-n-Brighten. Plus you get a really cute little pink brush, which is retractable and perfect for travel. These cakes are smaller than the regular size (about 1.5 inches in diameter). For this price, the only way to try out all of these products for less is to go to Sephora each morning and get ready with testers.

Balance-n-Brighten is a complexion perfecter, baked and swirled to give you an even and radiant complexion. Similar to mineral makeup (but solid and baked with love in Italy) you just apply it all over your face to brush imperfections away.

Ethereal Rose
is an all-over face color that gives you a rosy glow without being sparkly. Personally, I love to use it to bump up my blush color. It's not bright enough to really stand on its own, but if you like to layer your color, this will do the trick.

Bronze -n-Brighten is different from other bronzers I have checked out this summer. Instead of really being a bronze-y color (think JLo), it is more of a natural bronze, without the metallic finish. I really like to use it to help sculpt some serious cheek bones. It is more matte and very natural looking. If you are looking for more natural gal and less glamour gal, then this is the bronzer for you.

It also comes with a cute little pink brush which is fairly small but versatile, and gets the job done. In all honesty, I am more likely to use it when I travel then when I have other larger brushes with me. But in a pinch, it can take the place of several brushes.

I like how natural this makes my skin look. Finished, soft and pretty. I do suggest wearing a primer with this foundation, which really helps it last all day. I don't suggest throwing this kit in your purse for on the go use - I would be worried the baby cakes aren't protected enough. Also, if you require a darker color Balance-n-Brighten, this only comes in fair and regular. This is a great introduction into the Laura Geller world of Baked Powders - check them out on the Q!

I like it. Check it out!

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High School Love: Clinique Black Honey Lipgloss

People have been raving about Clinique's Black Honey lipstick since the dawn of time. Or at least since I was old enough to pay attention. I remember it was always featured in the pages of YM Magazine, Sassy and Glamour. Everyone who was anyone in ninth grade wore it. It was kind of like those Outback Red shirts, Tretorns, babydoll dresses or Drakkar Noir (for boys). Everyone HAD to have it.

Black Honey is perhaps one of the most universally flattering shades of lipstick around. No glitter, just a nice, simple deep berry sheen. I am not sure if any other color has ever been so universally reviewed as Black Honey. I, however, haven't thought about it in EONS.

Until recently when I ran into Black Honey's newer cousin, Black Honey Super Moisturizing Lip Gloss. Lighter, super hydrating and lovely as ever, this gorgeous gloss brings back memories from back in the day. It's is only available at Sephora and I can only imagine this slightly more sheer version is exactly as uber-flattering as it's Almost Lipstick version.

Clearly, you need this. Check it out!

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Benefit California Kissin' Smile Brightening Lip Shine

Here's another Benefit item pal Erin Chado convinced me I couldn't live without. California Kissin' is a blue, minty lipgloss that makes your teeth look whiter and your breath smell minty fresh. It also has a nice little bit of sparkle that makes your lips gleam. You can wear it over or under your lipstick or gloss and the blue hue it adds really does make your teeth look just a little whiter. It's a nice trick to be able to pull out of your bag on days when you just need a little pick me up or you need to look a little more awake and polished. Or, as Benefit suggests, stash this, along with the rest of their Overnighter Kit, in your bag so you are prepared in case you don't end up sleeping in the bed you had intended to. While I am fairly certain I know where I will be spending my nights, this is a great little addition to my ever-growing purse collection. I am pretty pale and when used on my nude pucker, it adds a nice shine and doesn't really look blue (I know you were wondering).

Special deal for Gouldylox Readers!
Free California Kissin' with any $35 purchase online!

Get a FREE california kissin' with any $35 purchase. No promo code necessary. Product automatically ships with your order.

I love this. You should check it out!

HLMN Round Up!

Beauty Junkies Unite reviews InStyler Rotating Hot Iron Hair Straightener.

Check out Beauty Sweet Spot's, Jeannine Morris, on an NBC segment and enter the Huge Lips Skinny Hips contest to win a trip to NYC for two filled with sexy activities

Check out Best Things in Beauty for a Laura Geller Giveaway Contest.

Why did Caress Evenly Gorgeous Exfoliating Body Wash disappoint Blaq Vixen Beauty?

Claire's Beauty falls in love with KenzoAmour EDT Florale.

Denim Debutante reviews Aritzia Boutique.

Fab Over Forty takes an indepth look at neuLash Eyelash Enhancing Serum.

Fabuless Beauty tells you how to try Physicians Formula cosmetics for FREE.

Glamour Whore dares you to be bold with red hot makeup looks.

If you're looking for a great primer, choose Avox Magix. Gouldylox Reviews loved it.

Hot Beauty Health shares with its readers a brit beauty brand, Illamasqua and it's coming to Sephora.

The Informed Makeup Maven reviews primers, foundations and beauty powders this week and gives away an Avene tinted compact for summer.

Krasey Beauty shares her night of beauty, twitter, and a lovely evening of girl power in NYC.

Visit Lipgloss Break to Enter to win LashFood Mascara and Go Green with a Baggu Bag!

Obsession Confessions of Glamour and Love has the scoop on the Janrah Boutique Sip and Shop Event in Seattle, WA.

The Style and Beauty Doctor is obsessed with nail trends. Take a look at her current fascinations.

Su Ferreira has a great FOTD makeup tutorial.

Unfunded's opinion is heard in the LA vs. NYC fashion debate on 39th and Broadway.

For more information on The HLMN or on how to become an affiliate please visit our">website.

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Fresh Twilight Freshface Glow

I am on a mission to be radiant and even-toned. I want nothing more than to look as if I am lit from within; I don't want to sparkle, I want to glow. I want to look as if I don't have sun damage and have an ethereal look, ala Kristin Dunst in the Virgin Suicides.
(I know. But a girl has to dream.)

I stumbled upon Fresh's Twilight Freshface Glow in Sephora and couldn't put it down. In all honesty, like tons of minions before me, I picked it up because of the name. Add to the fact my desires listed above and this product had me written all over it.

Fresh suggests that you can use Twilight under or over makeup, alone or as a primer. I haven't tried it as a primer, but I have worn it alone. It imparts a fresh, radiant, not sparkle-y glow, which looks young and dewy. Ahhh. I have also been mixing it with my Laura Geller Tinted Moisturizer which gives you a slightly less dewy finish, but still looks really natural and pretty.

Like many products right now, it does seem to make your skin look a little more on the pale side than on the tan side. I guess vamps are in and so is looking un-tan. Somehow, I think if looking un-tan translates into this, I think this product will sell itself.

I like this. Check it out!

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Fun Find: Cherry Crush Shop - Cupcake Lip Palette

I recently discovered one of many awesome finds on Etsy, The Cherry Crush Shop. Based in London, Ontario, the Cherry Crush Shop makes fabulous, vegan lipsticks. Their lipsticks are cruelty free, 100% vegan, FDA approved, petroleum- and paraben-free and full of antioxidants.

The Cherry Crush Shop makes lipstick trio palettes as well as single lipsticks. I received the Cupcake Trio, which comes with Buttercream, Berry Mousse and Creamsicle Icing, yum! My palette lists the following moisturizing ingredients - Jojoba oil, Grapeseed oil, Cocoa Butter and Vitamin E - no wonder it feels so incredibly hydrating!

Here is the best part. These trios are totally versatile. You can slick a quick coat on your lips to hydrate and get a touch of color, layer the colors to create your own look or use a lip brush and get some serious pigment out of this baby. If you are adventurous, you can create your own trio with 21 colors to select from and four flavors. Plus it's cruelty-free and vegan - you can't ask for anything more!

I like this! Check it out!

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Hello Old Friend, Sorry I Forgot About You: Origins

Years ago, when I worked across the street from the Origins boutique, I was there all of the time. They knew me by name and would hold product aside for me, before I even asked. One of my favorite products was Peace of Mind. For those of you who don't know, Peace of Mind is a lotion that you apply to your earlobes, temples and back of your neck to help relieve tension and stress. Basil, peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils provide sensory therapy that ultimately leads to relaxation. My favorite way to use this? Put a dab on three fingers, tap them against the same three fingers on your other hand and inhale several times very deeply. It sends a minty coolness deep into your center. The relaxing scent (along with the deep breathing) help soothe away stress. How did I forget about this? If you haven't tried it, for $10, you can't lose. You'll thank me later.

The main reason I went to Origins, however, was because of a beauty blog written by my favorite pro, Melissa of In My Professional Opinion. She mentioned that one of her go-to tricks to make eyes look open, awake and white is to use a little bit of Origins Eye Brightening Color Stick in Ice Blue on your waterline (the inside rim of your eye). This color looks more natural then plain old white and the blue makes your eyes look very white, awake and refreshed. Who doesn't need that? When I wore this today, Mr. Lox mentioned that my eye makeup looked different today - that my eyes looked very clear and pretty. When I asked if he noticed anything specifically different, he didn't, which made me happy. Melissa's trick fooled him - score!

I am loving both of these. Check them out!

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Avon MagiX

I love a good primer. It helps create a smooth, even surface for your makeup. Primer makes skin texture problems like dry patches or large pores become less noticeable and even can "blur" other imperfections. What's not to love about that? Primers come in all shapes and textures. Some feel very silky and are made with silicone while others feel more like a moisturizer. Personally, I like ones that contain silicone - I like how they make my skin feel. I know that isn't necessarily a popular opinion right now. Many seem to be trending towards primers with a moisturizing feel, but I haven't found one that I like as much as ones that contain silicone.

Of those I have tried, I really like BE's Prime Time and Laura Geller's Spackle. They have a nice, silky consistency and prep the skin nicely for makeup application. I received Avon's MagiX (again with the X's) as a sample with a lip gloss I purchased a few weeks ago. When I applied the primer one morning before work, Mr. Lox looked at me and said, "Your foundation looks nice today. Really soft and pretty." I told him I wasn't wearing any and he was surprised. I looked in the mirror and was also surprised to see that my skin looked more even and softer. My imperfections were blurred. It also made my skin look a little lighter, instead of darker, which I love. My makeup wore beautifully all day, with only a quick powder touch up later in the afternoon. I was so excited with how this performed, I immediately ordered more and hoped it would be here before my samples ran out. I will say, this is a thicker primer that is more like a thick cream than a liquid. If you aren't expecting that texture, you may be surprised. You should also know that a little goes a long way - especially for the price of $10! While I haven't worn it solo yet, for a weekend look it would be a wonderfully simple: a little MagiX, gloss, mascara and voila!

I really like this. You should check it out!


P.S.: Like all foundations, you will probably not use enough of the product to get the sun protection that is listed on the package. Be sure to wear a broad spectrum SPF daily and do not count on your primers or foundation to protect you.

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Worth It? Payot Regenerating Dry Oil Huile Precieuse Minerale

I recently received a few products from a company I am not familiar with, a French beauty company called Payot. They are a little out of my normal price range (this oil is $59 for 3.3 oz), but some products are totally worth it, like this, so I was happy to be able to check it out.

Payot Regenerating Dry Oil Huile Precieuse Minerale
"nourishes and moisturizes the skin without being greasy or making you shiny. This oil is infused with the energizing benefits of minerals and semi-precious gem stones. It leaves skin soft, supple and satiny." I have very dry skin so I was hoping that this body spray could deliver some serious results.

The first thing I noticed about this product was that it comes in a glass bottle and has a strong perfume smell. My klutz-iness has been well established, so I am terrified I will drop this glass bottle of expensive oil in the bathroom, breaking new bathroom tiles and ruining my Payot. Since I am renowned for my inability to walk and talk at the same time (I currently have a sprained ankle/foot from trying to do that), I promised Mr. Lox I will only use the glass bottle filled with oil in the bedroom, where there is carpet.

This Dry Oil does have a serious smell. At first, I didn't think I cared for it. But then, after wearing it for a few minutes (and digging how smooth my arms were), I decided I liked it very much. Much to my delight, my younger co-worker, Jess.I.E, commented how much she liked my perfume. After a few days of using this Oil Spray, I really, really like the scent. In fact, I am thinking of making it my new summer go-to scent. The best part is that it lasts longer than the perfume I normally wear. I am loving that!

Artie Lange, of the Howard Stern show, said of Paris Hilton, "she just feels and smells like a rich girl. You know, she is very soft to the touch, she smells rich, it's a whole thing she has going on." I think she must have been wearing Payot Regenerating Dry Oil Spray. It feels and smells tres luxe.

However, the Gouldylox question remains, it worth the price tag or is it better than less expensive dry oil sprays on the market? As a dry oil, I can't tell you to spend that much. However, as a perfume, this may be your new best friend (with benefits!).

I am digging this. Check it out!

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Kate Somerville Quench, Oh How I Love Thee

I love Kate Somerville. I love that she makes an SPF to be used separately from a moisturizer and makeup. I love that she packages her products in a way that keeps the high end ingredients stable. And I luerve the way my skin looks and feels after less than a week using Quench.

Quench is the number one seller in the Somerville line and a red carpet favorite. A bit out of my price range at $65 for 1 ounce, I could not be deterred from trying it. After using it once, my skin looked more radiant, felt amazingly smooth and looked, well, awesome. Even my go-to-guru, Paula Begoun at Beautypedia agreed that this formula is worth the money. Quench contains potent cell-communicating antioxidants and retinol and is fragrance and preservative free. Some have complained they dislike the texture, saying it is too much like baby oil. While the texture is similar, it absorbs so quickly that it doesn't bother me. I have really dry skin, and it is making a difference in the look and feel of my skin. If your skin is oily, Kate still recommends using Quench and personally, because the ingredients absorb so quickly, I think you would forget how it feels when it goes on and just bask in the glow that is your new skin.

I love this. You may not be able to live without it.

I paid for this product.

Worth It? Lumene TIME FREEZE Instant Cooling Eye Stick

I recently picked up this cute little product from Lumene, Time Freeze Instant Eye Cooling Stick. This product helps relieve tired eyes by cooling and moisturizing the under eye area. It is also supposed to help diminish dark circles and reduce puffiness. According to their website, "Natural arctic heather together with the plant sterols extracted from arctic white peat provide long-term wrinkle reducing benefits and protect skin against future signs of aging."

Here are my questions. What is arctic heather? Why is the stick so small? Does this really work? First things first, according to Lumene, here are the benefits of arctic heather:

Heather Flower Extract
The extract from arctic heather contains antioxidants and flavonoids, which protect the skin against free radicals. The heather's flower stalks contain arbutin, which helps lighten and prevent any changes in the skin's pigment. The extract also softens and moisturizes the skin.

Next: Why is it so small and the price on the higher side ($20)? Got me. It's actually my one big complaint about this product. I wish it was larger because I love using it. I find that I have been using it quite a bit when I get home from work and need to relax. It is really COOL when you put it on. It also feels as if it is almost wet. I also like how it moisturizes my under eye area. I just wish you didn't get so little product!

Interesting side note: I have been getting headaches a lot lately, which I hope does not mean I am turning into my father, who suffered terribly from them (happy to hear suggestions as nothing helped him). I find that applying this cooling eye stick helps me relax and along with medicine, does help me feel better. I love that.

Finally, does this really work? I can't find any research suggesting that arctic heather will do what it claims. The ingredients that are behind the serious cooling effect are alcohol and menthyl lactate, which may irritate your skin. In other words, I love how it feels (and it doesn't irritate my skin at all), but I can't find any research that would support its claims.

If you are looking for something to feel great on your skin, this definitely does.
If you need a serious under eye treatment, there are probably better options on the market.

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FitFlops On Sale for 50% Off (select FitFlops only)

Select FitFlops are on sale at Right now (for a limited time) select styles are on sale for 50% off. Just use code 079906 at checkout. Lots of great shoes are also on sale, like my favorite MBT's. (of which changed my life!)

The best part? You'll get free shipping on FitFlops too! Click this link for more info and be sure to enter code 079906 at checkout.

Get Free Shipping and up to 50% off select FitFlops at Enter code 079906. Offer ends 7.12.09

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Sally Hansen Maximum Growth Cuticle & Nail Moisture Treatment Pen

I have really dry skin, which is most evident around my nail bed. Manicurists look at me and ask what happened. It actually stops me from going to get manicures. It's embarrassing. Sometimes my nails will grow, but the cuticles will flake and peel, which I am pretty sure leads to my nails peeling and breaking. It's a really annoying cycle.

I try to use a hand lotion, which is sometimes helpful. However, I have yet to discover something that always works and keeps my hands looking less embarrassing. I really like cuticle oil, but it seems like you can only use it at night or everything gets greasy.

I decided that Sally Hansen's Maximum Growth Cuticle and Nail Moisture Treatment Pen might be a good idea. I can take it with me easily, it won't leak almond scented oil everywhere and my cuticles will love me for it.

I am going on record right now saying that I am tired of things being Extreme or Maximum. In fact, please stop using X's in your product names. It is going to disappoint, unless it is truly fantastic. If it is that good, called it truly fantastic or super good or something slightly more genuine. We're not stupid, right ladies? Dear Cosmetics Companies: Stop making crazy claims starring words with X's. Worked for Vin Diesel seven years ago, but it's not a good idea anymore.

Back to the Treatment Pen. It's convenient, doesn't leak and does apply a nice oil to your cuticles and nail bed. I have been using it for several days and I think my cuticles look a little bit better. However, I am pretty sure if I applied any lotion to my nails every few hours, I would have better results. The oil doesn't seem to be overly moisturizing or have lasting effects. It's fine, but nothing special. That said, the fact that the pen motivates me to put oil on my cuticles is making a difference. While the product itself isn't deserving of any X's, the pen itself is making moisturize more frequently.

I don't especially care for the product, but I do like the pen. You can probably live without it.

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