Have you seen this newest blush addition to the
legendary Benefit line?
Coralista is still one of my favorite blushes of all time, despite it being on the pink side. They recently launched Bella Bamba, a super pink brightening face powder with little reflective bits that add dimension to your cheek bones.

Check out the video - according to this,
Bella Bamba can add a lot more to your life than just a 3D pink glimmer!
As a redhead with skin that blushes easily, I shy away from the pinks. But I think this one has enough color complexity that it still works for me. It's one of the few pinks I really, really like.

Also, like some of their other colors, it has a faint scent (lighter than Coralista), but since we all know my nose knows nothing when it comes to identifying scents, I'm worthless at describing it to you. I can tell you that it smells slightly like pretty flowers, but not like flowers at my Grandma's house. Is that helpful? Maybe if my blogger pal
Gaia reviews it, she can tell us what she thinks. Her nose is the opposite of mine, in terms of actually being useful when determining scents.

Either way, this is a pretty pink cheek color, with beautiful, yet subtle sparkly bits. It's definitely worth checking out. (Especially my raven haired, blue eyed pals.)
Have you checked this out? Thoughts?
(Wearing Bella Bamba. That is my hand holding my hair back. Not some weird growth coming out of my head.)
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