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Jonathan Weightless Smooth

Since I have been growing my hair, I have been understanding more and more what you ladies are talking about with the frizz thing. When my hair was cut like Rihanna or Ellen, that challenge was never an issue. But now that my hair is flapper bob length, I am dealing with the frizz too. Mine comes from the top of my hair, where my goat hairs are (hairs that have changed texture when they went gray), and the underside of my hair, which just hates me.

The newest product I have tried and had success with, is the new line from Jonathan Antin, called Weightless Smooth. I tested the shampoo, conditioner and smoothing balm. Before we get into the how-did-it-works, lets chat about the science behind Weightless Smooth.

The Weightless Smooth line is sulfate-free and contains Hydrolized Hair Keratin Protein and Platinum Peptides. These small molecules penetrate the hair shaft and help repair hair. The cuticle is sealed by a light coating of Date Fruit Extract, which helps repel the frizz. It also contains Babassu, Avocado oils and exotic butters, like Illipe, Almond and Shea, which restore elasticity and intensely condition the hair and scalp.

I used the shampoo, conditioner and styling balm for a few weeks. I discovered that this system definitely helps lessen frizz. I have straight, uber-thick, porous hair. On my hair, I got the best results when I used this as a treatment shampoo and conditioner. What does that mean? It means I used it once a week, instead of every other day. If I use it every other day, I find that my hair doesn't have the movement that I prefer. (My hair is still on the short side and I am just getting my hair to swinging length.) I wouldn't say it's weighted down, it's just too controlled. I used the Styling Balm after every shampoo, before blow drying. A little of this goes a long way, so one tube will last for a long time. This balm also gives you some shine and noticeable styling control, so be careful and don't go overboard.

As far as a sulfate-free shampoo goes, this one actually lathers! To get the best lather, I found that applying a small amount to the already wet scalp and then re-wetting hair and adding a bit more to the mid-shaft section of hair yielded the best lather.

I found that when I used the Styling Balm, my hair didn't need to be flat-ironed to look polished and super smooth. A brush and a hair dryer gave me great results. (Although to be fair, my hair is fairly straight to start with.) Less heat means less damage, which I know I appreciate.

Have you tried this Jonathan Product? If you have thick, frizzy hair, give it a shot! If you have really fine hair, the lipids in this may overpower your hair if you use the whole system at once. It's available at Ulta, and other fine retailers. Let me know how it works for you!

This product was sent for the purposes of review. Jonathan's products are cruelty-free (and many, including Weightless Smooth, are vegan!)

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