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Buckle Up: Spruce up Your Outfits With a New Belt

by Anne Houseman, of Beauty Xpose

Recently, a good friend of mine (not to name names, but you're reading her amazing beauty blog, and her name rhymes with "melly") was wrestling with a "what to wear" question. In particular, she was in the market for a new belt and wanted to know what the latest styles were and how to wear them in a way that complemented her curvaceous body type (va va voom!).

Luckily, the hottest belts right now work with almost every body type -- it's really all about pairing them with the right clothing silhouettes. These little waist wrappers are so versatile that they can transform even your most humdrum threads into a fashionable ensemble. So the next time you're looking at your closet contents scathingly, you can resist the urge to buy an entire new wardrobe and just add a couple of these buckled accessories instead.

Wide Belts
Wide belts have been everywhere over the past few years, and this season is no exception. If you have an hourglass figure (your waist is smaller than your hips and your bust and shoulders), the wide belt can be your new best friend. True, if you're on the short side like I am, you have to be sure your wide belt isn't paired with wide horizontal stripes, or you'll end up looking stouter than Snooki. But in general, a wide belt paired with a plain, fitted silhouette will only enhance your assets (think Kim Kardashian and Salma Hayek). If you were thinking of ways to spruce up your little black dress, grab a bold belt and an equally bold necklace, and be on your way to ruling the night.

Photo: Dress - Calvin Klein ($99); Belt - New York & Company ($16.06); Necklace - New York & Company ($26.95)

Skinny Belts
The skinny belt is one of the most versatile belts out there. This season, you'll see them embellished with small grommets, tastefully bedazzled with mini stones, metal and crystals, and embossed with python prints. These svelte belts are perfect for layering, which works great on any body type and is a must as the temperatures drop. Whether over a traditional cardigan, a chunky sweater or a corduroy blazer, take your look from work to weekend with this small piece of flair. Tip: Mix fabrics like a delicate silk blouse and a wool sweater to add a feminine flair to your belted masterpiece.

Photo: Cardigan - New York & Company ($49.95); Rosette Halter Cami - LOFT ($54.50); Belt - J.Crew ($39.99); Trouser Jeans - LOFT ($69.50);

Low-Slung Belts
Now here's the trickiest belt style for hourglass, pear and apple figures -- low slung belts. While they look great on straight bodies and lean model types, on everyone else, it can be a challenge to avoid drawing unwanted attention to your hips (they don't lie). But that doesn't mean you have to avoid these belts altogether; your best bet is to go for a tunic-style top and a lean look for your legs. Try a flowy top, leggings and a saddle belt, and rock a casual boho chic look that Rachel Zoe would just die for. Bananas.

Photo: Leggings - American Apparel ($38); Tunic - Free People ($69); Belt - Piperlime ($38)

So what type of belt will my good friend decide to wear? I guess we'll have to see if she comments below. Why not help her get over her shyness and let me know your favorite style in the comments too!


OK. I picked up a few belts. I found one at Old Navy and a great one that is adjustable at Cold Water Creek, when MamaLox and I went shopping. Today, I am wearing a LBD with a cardigan and a skinny belt with boots. I am comfortable in my own skin while wearing this (which is a huge victory for me), but the picture is awful. If it weren't in response to my pal Anne, I would spare you.

Here is the belt:

Here is the whole shebang.

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