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Jan Marini Gets Serious About Skin Care

I recently had the chance to chat with skin care aficionado, Jan Marini, the woman behind JanMarini Skin Research. Jan's line is known for being a leader in new anti-aging, resurfacing and repairative skin technology. Since I am all about the science behind the products, I was thrilled to get a chance to speak with her and find out what products she would suggest to help my skin, as it begins the newest phase of the aging process.

First off, I should tell you that one of Jan's newer products, the Age Intervention Regeneration Booster uses topical Telomerase Enzyme therapies to deliver truly dramatically skin rejuvenation benefits. This therapy is so ground breaking, three scientists were recently awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in Physiology or Medicine for their work surrounding the anti-aging properties of telomeres. Clearly, her products go way beyond the glossy hype that surrounds so many of her competitors. I can't wait to get my hands on this tiny bottle of dramatic rejuvenation. More importantly, I couldn't wait to learn more from Jan herself.

Before I dive in to my skin care overhaul, here are some facts I learned by chatting with Jan Marini:

- Wrinkles are actually wounds to the skin. Wound research has shown that topical agents have the ability to help heal wrinkles. If you concentrate on skin cell communicating ingredients that aid in wound healing, you will have the ability to heal wrinkles (ie greatly diminish their appearance).

-80% of sun damage occurs before the age of 10. (10!?! I was thinking of how I could meet The Karate Kid and make him fall in love with me, not about wrinkle prevention!)

-If you have a blemish, dab a bit of cortisone cream on the spot and cover with a band aid. This yields a similar (although not exactly the same) result as getting an injection would.

While this isn't a fun fact, I did enjoy this portion of our conversation immensely (when speaking about another brand who uses a myth about mineral oil to promote their products):

"Mineral Oil is not bad for the skin. It is one of my favorite myths about skin and skin care - that skin needs to breathe. No one has ever shown me lungs within the skin and skin does not breathe. Mineral Oil is actually organic and it's job is to be occlusive. It's not a bad thing. It isn't causing the death of skin by not allowing it to breathe. Again, skin doesn't have lungs."

I love it when science trumps hype.

I was excited to get a chance to chat with her about what products would actually work for me. Perhaps someone can get to the bottom of this sponge-like appearance near my nose (which Paula Begoun said was due to being perimenopausal) and the fine lines around my eyes.

I explained to Jan that I had nice skin, with lots of (undeserved) melasma, that was very dry, with fine lines and had the spongey next-to-my-nose skin. Without missing a beat, Jan said the change in skin texture was no doubt due to becoming perimenopausal. If I didn't know better, I would say she and Paula Begoun were in cahoots.

Jan suggested an intensive treatment regimen to revamp my skin, help diminish fine lines and improve the radiance and texture of my skin. Thank goodness she sent me a checklist of what to do, because it is some serious skin care. It doesn't take any more time than what I usually do, but it is intensive.

Here is my plan:

Wash (in a specific way) using BioGlycolic Facial Cleanser twice per day. I have been doing that prior to our chat, so be on a the look out for a review soon!

Follow up with C-Esta Face Serum twice a day and BioClear Lotion in the evenings.

Use Age Intervention Face Cream and Age Intervention Eye Treatment twice each day.

Once per week, cleanse and treat with two enzyme treatments, Clean Zyme and Skin Zyme and use the Age Intervention Regeneration Mask (but not on the same day).

Of course, each day use the SPF 30 AntiOxidant Sunscreen (which is my favorite sunscreen of all time). I can't stress how important it is use to sunscreen anytime you are outside between the hours of 5am and 10pm. It's not about being sunny and needing sun screen. It's about preventing damage from the UVA and UVB rays you can't see. Rainy, cloudy or after 3pm, you still need to protect your skin from the sun.

It's intensive, but as I start week three I am seeing a difference. My skin is definitely smoother and is glowing. I am hopeful the fine lines will begin to diminish soon. You know I will give you the scoop, as soon as I can. For now, here's to fewer lines and glowing skin!

Products were sent to me for the purposes of review.

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