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I Wish I Could Take Those Summer Days Back: Glytone Clarification System

When I was younger, I used to love to lay out by the pool, listen to The Smiths (then later Cinderella, then later still, Boogie Down Productions) and read. We all know I don't like water, but I did like the relaxing feeling of laying out, soaking up the sun and just being.

Ahh. I wish I could take it back.

Despite the fact that I have been really, really careful about sunscreen since the age of 22, eighteen years later I still have visible sun damage. The only time I really spent outside was those days lounging by the pool. I don't do other stuff outside. Picnics? Hiking? Meh.

So now, at the tender age of 36, I have sun damage. It's not the end of the world and it's not life threatening, but I have already had to have one spot removed because it was pre-cancerous. Last year my derm put me on a serious glycolic acid regimen to turn over skin cells and undo some of the damage I had caused.

But now I am left with dark spots, or melasma, all over my face. And since I am really pale, I would prefer those spots to be gone. Over-the-counter topical treatments aren't helping. So I turned to my dermatologist again to assist with the fading of my melasma.

She recommended a series of products by Glytone, which features a 10% free acid AHA mask, a glycolic acid facial wash, a toner and two 4% hydroquinone lotions. The AHA mask is used once or twice a week to help turn over new skin and really let the hydroquinone work. Hydroquinone is a chemical that is used to lighten dark spots in skin. Sometimes called a "bleach", hydroquinone inhibits the production of melanin in skin. It's not really a bleach, it can't remove pigment from a skin cell, but it can inhibit the pigment, eventually eliminating the melasma (Journal of Dermatalogical Science, August 2001). This kit also came with a fantastic Retinol product by Avene.

Here are pictures of me before I started my Glytone Hydroquinone Treatment. No makeup, no re-touching, just me. (The pink in my cheeks is my natural coloring.)

(Face is loaded with freckles, especially on the nose, cheeks and forehead. Photo taken in July 09.)

Here is me after using the product for a little over two months. I can't honestly say I have used the toner and facial wash daily, but I have used the hydroquinone and retinol product faithfully. To see really dramatic results, my doctor recommended that I use this product for six months.

(No makeup. Melasma is noticeably lighter, although some spots remain. Photo taken in September 09)

This product definitely helped, although I will require a stronger chemical intervention to fade my very dark melasma beyond this point. Hydroquinone in this strength is only available from a physician. If you have serious melasma and over-the-counter treatments are not working for you, Glytone could be the answer. I also strongly suggest using the Avene Retinol in conjunction with this product. You do need to be very careful. When using this product, follow your doctor's directions carefully. Also make sure you wear a good sunscreen whenever there is daylight or all of your hard work will go out the window.

Ask your dermatologist to see if this treatment might be right for you.

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