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If You Only See One Movie This Summer, See

I was lucky enough to catch a sneak peek at the new Disney/Pixar movie Up earlier this week. Since I don't have kids, I don't pay attention to animated movies. Call me crazy, but I never think they are talking to me, so I don't listen. However, my movie-obsessed hubby was looking forward to it, so when the opportunity came Up, I couldn't refuse.

From the second the Disney logo pops on, this movie was a visual stunner. Up is the first Disney Digital 3-D movie made by Pixar. And since I missed The Jonas Brothers, The 3D Concert Experience, I had no clue it could look like this. Did I mention it looked good? WOW. The 3D is used in a way that is natural and beautiful, not in a cheap-shrapnel-is-coming-at-your-face-right-now kind of way. WOW. I was totally lost in this world in the first five minutes.

Up is the story of a man who needs a change and, unhappy with his current situation, goes for it. He is joined by a young boy, a Weeblo of sorts, who just wants to help. Along with a goofball named Kevin and a dog named Doug, they have quite an adventure. Side note: Those who live in Baltimore (or watched The Wire) will understand why a dog named Doug makes me laugh every time.

I double dog dare you not to get caught up in this emotional and amazing journey. No, wait, I triple dog dare you! Up opens across the country in theaters this Friday, May 29th. Drop what you are doing and go see it.

I loved it. I can't wait to see it again.