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Another Beauty Blog?

Hey there! My name is Kelly Gould and I am obsessed with beauty products (and a few other things). I have been a television producer, a jewelry designer, a makeup artist in a salon and for print and television. I spend a lot of time checking out new products and advising my friends. Since I'm very opinionated and, quite honestly, tired of sending my friends my thoughts in e-mails, I decided to post them here. Before I tell you what I really think, here are some things you should know about me.

1. I am a producer who makes television commercials for a living.

2. I love to play with color and texture where it concerns hair and makeup. A lot. In fact, my look changes almost daily.

3. I like to know that the products I use actually do what they claim. One of my hobbies is researching how the chemistry behind the beauty works.

4. I watch way too much tv.

5. When I am not working, watching tv, playing with makeup or looking for a new hairstyle, I founded a non-profit called Karma Dogs. We help rescued dogs become therapy dogs who help kids with different needs. What goes around, comes around. See how that works?

Thanks for checking out my blog. Subscribe and come back often!