I am now 36 hours into my SkinMedica Rejuvenize chemical peel. When I went to bed last night, around 11pm, I had a tiny little bit of skin that had started to peel. When I woke up this morning, I ran to the bathroom with the anticipation associated with Christmas to see if the peeling had begun. Sadly, it hadn't. I was starting to wonder if I was actually going to peel (I am totally impatient, I know.) Not quite yet awake, I yawned. And like an egg, my face cracked around my mouth.
I did however, take a shower and after being in the steam of the shower for five minutes, I did gently roll the pads of my fingers over my face, which removed a bit of the skin. Thank goodness that is allowed, otherwise not peeling anything would make me nuts.
Now, to answer the big questions that everyone is emailing me about:
1. This medical-grade peel from SkinMedica is a cocktail of Salicylic Acid, Lactic Acid, Resorcinol, Panthenol and Isoceteth-20 and .3% Retinoic Acid.
2. The cost of the peel from La Papillon is $220 for one peel. If you purchase them in a package of three, you save 15% and the cost comes down to $187 each.
3. The actual salon visit is very quick. You can be in and out in less than 30 minutes. Peeling won't begin for 24-48 hours. The amount of peeling is said to be dramatic.
4. The level of results you will see will depend on the condition of your skin. You should see dramatic improvements after one peel, however, more damaged skin will need additional peels to get the desired results. Here is a before after picture of a woman with significant acne scarring after 3 treatments with the Rejuvenize Peel.
I will be sure to update this later today. As of now, my skin feels very tight, on the dry side and still feels as if I have been in the sun too long.
10:45 am update: I was sitting in a meeting and was pretty positive more peeling began, mid-meeting, while talking. A quick mirror check reveals that yes, my chin is peeling. Good thing the snowpocalypse is coming and I am heading home soon. This might start to get embarrassing...
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