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Glycolic Acid and Skin Care

Glycolic acid, an ingredient that is non-toxic and multi-purpose, is used in products meant for skin care. Glycolic acid forms an integral part of a number of cosmetics that range from glycolic acid acne gels, to glycolic acid toners, to glycolic acid peels, to glycolic acid skin lotions. Hence, glycolic acid forms an integral part of a skin care routine that can be very effective in the treatment of wrinkles, acne scars as well as acne prone skin, dry skin, oily skin, and sun-damaged skin.  Glycolic acid is a part of a naturally occurring group of alpha hydroxy acids, or AHA, which are derived from fruits and other natural substances. Some of the other examples of alpha hydroxyl acids are tartaric acid found in wine, malic acid in apples, lactic acid in sour milk, and citric acid in citrus fruits. Glycolic acid is obtained from sugar cane.  If glycolic acid is applied in concentrations that are very high, it can be corrosive. Hence, any product that contains glycolic acid at concentrations of more than 10 percent is regarded as hazardous. Most skin products containing glycolic acid do not have it in concentrations more than 10 percent. Although glycolic acid in too high a concentration can be unsafe, conversely, if the concentration is too low it can result in the product being ineffective. Therefore, products that have glycolic acid concentrations in the range of 8 percent to 10 percent are generally recommended for use in skin care. Although glycolic acid peel products have concentrations that are much higher.  How is Glycolic Acid Beneficial?  Since glycolic acid is a natural moisturizer and exfoliant, it is an ideal ingredient in skin care products. Glycolic acid’s high acidity is what makes it an excellent exfoliant. When it is applied on the skin, glycolic acid permeates through the skin’s superficial layers, breaking up the sticky matter that binds the dead skin cells. Once the layer of superficial skin cells are loosened up, they can be removed easily, leaving the skin smoother and softer. Glycolic acid also helps in absorbing moisturizers into the skin. Many product lines of cosmetics that contain glycolic acid offer a full range of skin care system. These skin care products ensure that the full potential of glycolic acid is derived by using them, while they also neutralize its corrosive effects on skin.  Glycolic Acid Toner for Facial Skin  This is a formulation that helps to improve the skin’s pH balance, clarity, and smoothness, while also cleansing and refreshing the skin. Glycolic acid toners are filled with anti-irritants that are soothing such as allantoin, hyaluronic acid, and aloe vera gel, which prevent the stinging sensation that is often felt with other products containing glycolic acid. After cleansing the face, the glycolic acid toner should be applied by using your fingertips or moistened cotton and patted all over the face, being careful not to rub it in. The skin is then ready for glycolic acid cream, or any other day or night cream.  Glycolic Acid Peel for Facial Skin  Whether you want to restore the natural beauty of your skin or to get rid of acne blemishes, glycolic acid peels are effective and safe for achieving a rejuvenated, beautiful, and smooth skin. The Glycolic acid concentrations in peels can be up to 50 percent, which enables you to decide on the strength of the glycolic acid peel you want to use. Typically, glycolic acid peel treatments involve once a week facial peels for a period of up to six weeks.  Glycolic Acid Treatment for Acne  When glycolic acid is used for treating acne it is usually mixed with salicylic acid. While glycolic acid helps in breaking up skin cells that are dead, salicylic acid helps in removing the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, thus resulting in opening up pores, with the skin becoming revitalized and smooth.  The Precautions and Side Effects of Glycolic Acid  When you apply glycolic acid on the skin it becomes more sensitive to sunlight, hence a sunscreen should always be applied after you use it. If you are worried about getting acne, choose an oil-free and noncomedogenic sunscreen.  After you apply glycolic acid peel, the skin can often appear as if it has been sunburned. This usually lasts for a few days. During this time, while your skin is recovering from the effects of a glycolic acid peel, it is important not to expose your skin to the sun. By Rita Putatunda