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Stila's Spring 2011 Collection

This spring, Stila is launching loads of new goodies that need to be checked out. Here is a quick rundown of what's new.

(Shown in Taffy.)

Stila's Prime Pot is a new primer, available in two matte shades - Taffy and Caramel, that will help extend the look of your shadow. Or wear it alone for a really natural look. I picked this up recently and I love it. Taffy matches my skin tone perfectly (like Painterly did), but is softer, smoother and somehow makes eyes look wide awake, fresh and hydrated.

(Painterly is on top, Taffy is below. Both are barely visible on my hand, because they match me so well! Stare for a moment and you will see them! Click on the picture itself to make it larger.)

Don't just pass this one by. It's worth checking out. This retails for $20.

I loved the Carbon Black Stay All Day Liquid Liner last year. It's my go to liquid black- it's shiny, long lasting and the brush/pen makes it really easy to apply. This spring, two new colors will be available, Chocolate Brown and Indigo. I checked out the Indigo in store and it's a different blue than I was expecting! It's a really pretty reflex blue (which is designer-speak for a pure blue). Think like a blue ink pen. It's really pretty, but not for the meek. These are $20 each.

There are a few makeup products that were like my gateway makeup into non-drugstore products. I remember agonizing over a decision in my very early twenties to choose between buying an eye shadow from Stila or seeing if I could find something similar at F&M. Kitten was the first higher end shadow I ever purchased and I treasured it. I've owned Kitten in all of it's reincarnations over the years and was super excited to hear that Stila was launching an All Over Shimmer Duo in Kitten.

This duo is gorgeous. It's just as silky, but not quite as shiny or as golden as the original. Put this anywhere you want some serious radiance.

I love it for creating a luminized face and the darker tone is perfect for fair-toned gals like me to use as a contour shade. This is a must-have at $22.

(Shown in Gilded.)

Don't miss these two ready to wear Eye Shadow Trios in Gilded and Ethereal. Ethereal includes a pinky tan all over color, a mauve grey crease color and a dark pearlescent brown as a liner. Gilded includes a wheat shimmer, intense gold and dark espresso, and all are flaked with gold.

This combo is beautiful for light eyes! These will retail for $22 each.

I am in love and equally heartbroken over the next addition from Stila. The new Glitter Liner in Kitten is beautiful and for my blue eyes, is literally like adding little lights around your eyes. This rosey-champagney-goldish color is gorgeous.

If your eyes can tolerate glitter liners, this is a must have.

(Wearing the liner and the Gilded trio.)

My eyes don't always do so well with these kind of liners (only from certain brands though, and I am not sure why). For me, if I don't get it near the waterline or tear ducts, I am ok. Too close to the lashes and my eyes rebel. In the few minutes I had this on, it was stunning. Pick this up for $16.

The newest addition to the Lip and Cheek Stain comes in the form Coconut Crush, a really pretty rosy-bronzey-gold coconut. Coconut extract has interesting anti-aging properties and I know this new color is a favorite of some of my friends at Sephora. It's available for $24.

Have you tried any of the Silk Shimmer Glosses? Stila is adding a new bronzed gloss, Sunlight, to the line. It's super shiny and equally hydrating. It sells for $22.

Also new is the Sheer Color Tinted Moisturizer with an SPF of 20. This tinted moisturizer is packed with goodies. Enriched with vitamins A & E, it conditions skin with antioxidant protection. Ginger root extract, gingko biloba leaf extract and chamomile combine to eliminate redness, soothe skin and improve elasticity. Micro-fine light diffusing pigments fade fine lines and instantly impart a healthy radiance to skin, creating a gorgeous glow every time. This retails for $34.

Finally, Stila launched this adorable blush palette just in time for Valentine's Day. It's so cute and nicely priced at $14. Buy it online from Sephora for $20 and score two lippies!

What has caught your attention? I love the Shimmer Duo, especially for the cheeks and the primer. What are you picking up or passing on?

Some products were sent for review. Stila does not test on animals.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Beautyland Tour Guides: Meet Charleston Girl

This week, meet Charleston Girl, my blogging buddy who has a much higher "price tolerance" than I do, who has a keen eye for the finest things, loves a good cream blush and has a hard time distinguishing peach from pink. ( I say that with love and sarcasm, after my twitter battle with her and my ex-friend Anne*, from Beauty Xpose over what color a new Benefit blush is.) No one else is as plugged into the high end cosmetic counters as CG is. If you don't already subscribe to her blog, definitely check it out at Best Things In Beauty.

When did you start blogging and why?
I started blogging about beauty in the summer of 2009 (I had written a local political blog years before, when blogs were new). I had been reading beauty blogs and saw an invitation for guest bloggers on BeautyLuxe. I responded, and I wrote a few posts for Kimberly. I realized quickly how much I enjoyed writing about my beauty passion - and that there weren't many beauty bloggers in my age group. Since I was a frequent flier at all the department stores, and I had closets full of beauty products, I knew my subject was a natural. I love writing. I had intended to major in journalism in college, but was snagged by psychology. I published the first Best Things in Beauty feature in July, 2009, and the rest is history.

Every blog seems to have a special voice - what's the message on your blog?
That's a good question. My readers might be able to provide a better answer than I can. I like to focus on beauty products that are the "best in beauty." I don't want to waste my time - or theirs - on products that don't make the grade. When a product has been hyped, and I don't think it's worthy of our money, I might cover it as a warning. Otherwise, I skip the bad and mediocre and feature the best (or newest). As a rule, I focus on higher-end products, but I try to cover the best from drugstores too. I don't cover teen beauty; I have no idea what the kids are buying. I always try to provide balance on the blog, featuring not only makeup (which seems to be the most popular subject), but also fragrance, skin care, hair care, tools, celebrity beauty now and then - everything beauty. I even write a rant now and then.

Following the beauty industry is fun. Beauty products are affordable luxury; buying them is so much easier on the wallet than collecting Giorgio Armani fashion! I am fascinated with every aspect of the industry, from the science behind skin care and cosmetics to public relations and marketing, so I enjoying reading, researching, and talking beauty. That's one reason you'll often find me hanging out at beauty department counters, picking the brains of product line reps for ingredients, why products work, and what's coming, along with techniques and tips. I love sharing that information.

Have you always been a beauty fanatic or did it come later in life for you? What made it blossom?
No, my interest in beauty products has waxed and waned. I went to a strict Catholic high school, and I'm sure visible makeup would have been a no-no. I was a cheerleader, and we had to keep our hair above our shoulders! Can you imagine? Somehow, we were supposed to keep our skirts from flying up in the air and exposing our "bloomers" when we jumped. I was always on the edge of trouble over my hair, skirt length, and bloomers. Once I went to college, my interest in fashion and beauty blossomed. Even as a college student, I had a subscription to Women's Wear Daily. There wasn't an online edition "way back then." Every day, WWD was delivered my college mailbox. It was a treat to pour over the latest news. Even today, I eagerly await my monthly fashion and beauty magazines. WWD Beauty Biz is my favorite.

Tell us a little about yourself.
I'm in my early 60's and single. I live in a fabulous home in Northern Virgina, and I love my garden, which I built from nothing, with love. I have two cats, Charleston and Savannah. Charlie is a gorgeous Snow Marble Bengal. Savannah, equally gorgeous, is a rescue cat. She is definitely schizophrenic, and, unfortunately, she has epilepsy. I love antiques, art, books, and great food!

I was frantically busy when younger, earning a Ph.D. in psychology and subsequently running my own management consulting business for many years. Now, I work for a large financial company in compliance and ethics. I have always been a volunteer, and much of my "spare time" and money have been spent on local and state issues, including land use and conservation and environmental/animal causes. I have also been active in many horticultural societies. That's one reason I write Best Things in Beauty under a pseudonym. If you Google my real name, many pages of results from local civic association activities will be returned, including some of my most-famous mouthy quotes from public hearings. I decided to keep my various lives separate.

What's your daily beauty routine?
It's relatively complicated. Every morning, I get up and wash, condition, and style my hair (using a mousse and hairspray to set the style). I try to use hydrating products. I am always testing products, but I return to my favorites unless a new product has knocked my socks off (that happens fairly often). Before work, my regular beauty routine starts with a cleanser for my face and neck in the shower. Then I apply one of my favorite serums and an eye cream (I've been using Cold Plasma Eye, but I'm always on the lookout for a new one). After they absorb, I add a moisturizer (or two) and makeup. There has to be sunscreen in one of them. My makeup always includes a concealer, eyelid primer, eye shadow, mascara (I love Maybelline Define-A-Lash), foundation (usually Giorgio Armani), blush, lipstick, and lip gloss. Sometimes a highlighter too. Before I'm out the door, I add fragrance. During the day, I re-apply lip color/gloss/lip conditioner repeatedly, and I often use a hand cream during the day. Before bed, I always cleanse my face thoroughly, using an eye makeup remover if I need it after the cleanser. Then I do skin care: serum, moisturizer, and now Chantecaille's new Biodynamic Lifting Neck Cream. Morning and evening, I use a body moisturizer. I also use a hand moisturizer after I give Charlie his evening treats. Right before I go to bed, I apply Lisa Hoffman's Spa Facial Lip Moisturizer). I supplement my regular products (some of which I rotate) with whatever my skin "tells me" it needs. For special occasions, I add products, such as eyeliner, which I don't wear every day. I know I should, but I prefer to beat the traffic rush into DC. Another product I use is scented hand soap. I love it and have a nice one at every faucet. Then there are the home fragrances (diffusers and candles), which delight me.

How many lipsticks/glosses can be found in your handbag at any given time?
Too many! More than I'll ever use in a day or week. I'm bad at subtracting - really good at adding, though. Recently, a Clarisonic rep held my handbag for me. It was heavy because it had my camera in it. I roared at his response, "Girl, no wonder your back and knees are bad! This purse is ridiculously heavy!" Well, of course! It had a full face of makeup in it, with every shade you could imagine. I pared it down after my knee surgery, but I doubt it will remain spare.

What's the best beauty advice you've ever received?
From my dermatologist who told me to stay out of the sun and always wear sunscreen. He should know. He's had to use liquid nitrogen to remove a lot of actinic keratoses that have resulted from my unbridled attempts to become a bronze goddess when I was younger.

What's the most surprising thing you have learned since staring your blog?
My readers have become a second family - definitely my friends! People warn that cyberspace is "dangerous," and I've seen some pretty nasty comments on blogs. At first, I was reluctant to "expose myself" to that. I feel so privileged, though. I have never experienced anything but warmth and love from my readers. I'm sure I have the best readers (and friends) in the world. I've formed lasting friendships with so many wonderful women (a few men too!). We e-mail, we call, we comment back and forth on the blog. Blogging has been an enriching experience. I'm also thrilled with the many beauty bloggers I call friends now. Our roundup team is amazingly talented. I check in on each of their blogs every day. I hope all my readers do too.

*I'll consider being friends with Anne again**, when she admits I am right about peaches and that something is wrong with her eyes as she can't tell orange from pink. Until then, I am done with her. (Or until she lets me beat her at her Lady Gaga song on Dance Central.) However, because of her bad knee, I will remain friends with CG, without the benefit of a dance off.


Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

What Will You Wear On Valentine's Day? (Part 1)

Just look at how January flies so fast! It won't be long before we wake up to a romantic February morn.

February, as we all know, is the month of hearts and so I wonder what some of you are planning to wear on that big date night. I was skimming through Forever 21's Spring 2011 Lookbook and found a couple of inspiring outfits...

Part 1: The print-on-print look (photos collated from

This style is practically one of my treasured fashion frustrations. Inasmuch as I try to be artsy fartsy, my low-functioning right brain finds it terribly difficult to come up with an original concept. Thank goodness for lookbooks!

Which of these looks are V-day worthy?


GottaHaveIt is the brand-new weekly segment which will feature new products that are innovative or exciting in some way.  No, we are not talking about spring colors or more lipstick shades...this segment is dedicated to products that are truly NEW.

Artists, brands, and beauty enthusiasts alike are finally understanding that with the quality of todays cameras, video, and print photography, powder is not the look.  Powder gets cakey, doesn't move and makes you look older.  New trends point to makeup as a "second skin", blending naturally with your face, while enhancing complexion.  At the forefront of this movement is MAKE UP FOR EVER.  Since the launch of the HD Foundation, they have been innovating the liquid makeup markup, with the creating of an entire liquid HD line including primer, concealer, blush, and the fabulous HD elixer.  Now, they are doing it again, with a liquid illuminizer...for a flawless glow, even in HD.  With these 8 shades, you will look paparazzi-ready from day into night!

Make Up For Ever Boutiques

Beautyland Tour, Week of January 24

As most of us continue to slosh and slide through winter, you can escape by joining us for our weekly tour of noteworthy beauty and fashion features.

Sabrina has published the definitive comparison of Giorgio Armani Beauty's Eyes to Kill Mascaras: Regular vs Excess. Ever wonder about the difference? Wonder no more. Read her review at The Beauty Look Book.

Kari at Fab over Forty isn't the only one who has re-discovered French skin care by Orlane. Find out why she likes it. Kari says it's expensive, but it works.

Gaia hooked us with her feature about Sisley's Phyto Lip Shine. Read The Non-Blonde to see why she considers it true luxury.

Three Custom Color's Sweetest Thing Palette is the talk of Twitter. Carla at Product Girl will tell you why.

Kelly showed us Benefit's Bella Bomba Blush. Does the ultimate "peach blush lover" like this pink blush? You can find out at Gouldylox Reviews.

Is your budget suffering? No prob - you can still buy new beauty products! Amy has eye shadow recommendations from Wet 'n Wild for you at Café Makeup.

Debbi wants to make sure you get the most for your drugstore dollars. Find out why you should sign up for the CVS ExtraCare Beauty Club at DivaDebbi.

While you are at the drugstore, check out Olay's skin care. If you haven't tried it yet, Jane has some tips for you at Daly Beauty.

Charlestongirl loves cream blush. YSL's popular Créme de Blush shades, some of which were re-launched for Spring 2011, earned her praise. See her shade selection at Best Things in Beauty.

On the fashion front, last week we told you about Part 1 of Jennifer's facts about tights and pantyhose. You need to check in at BeautyXposé to read Part 2.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend. Stay cozy!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Beauty Blog Link Love: 1/28/11

Rachel finds out if a body lotion can be energizing with Liz Earle.

Makeup Morsels finally tries out those famous Urban Decay Liners.

Looking for a similar powder to the Magic Cool Powder from MAC? Look no further - Sleek Makeup have one for half the price!

Check out Audrey Dao's review of Zoya's Spring 2011 Intimate Collection along with photos and swatches!

Daily Polish shows off sneak pictures of China Glaze's Holiday 2011 Collection Let It Snow!

Phyrra tells you about Shadow Transformation. She compares four products from Fyrinnae, Hi-Fi, Sobe Botanicals, and Medusa's Makeup. See which one comes out on top!

Kelly of Gouldylox Reviews finds a new love at the drugstore. It's quickly becoming a foundation favorite!

What do you do when your bosses go on leave? Why, wear crazy turquoise fishnet nails to work of course - Musicalhouses did it!

Retrodiva shares her five favorite tinted moisturizers that can be used even on oily skin.

One palette; how many looks can The Lip Print create? It's a Palette Challenge!

Sarah from IHeartCosmetics bypasses Bella Bamba and goes straight for Benefit's Prrrowl and Magic Ink.

Jo at Music and Makeup finally had a play with MAC Club eyeshadow and liked the results!

Are China Glaze Channelesque and China Glaze Below Deck dupes or not? Check out this post at Beauty addict's blog to find out!

Big pores? You need this! Hellcandy shares her love for Benefit's Porefessional.

Craving the new Make Up For Ever Lab Shine lip glosses? Well, you're in luck because Krasey Beauty has swatches of the full collection!

Mz. More of The Glamorous Gleam tries out OPI Shatter Nail Polish. Is it all it's "cracked" up to be?

Jenn over at Spiced beauty puts on her best glam face using BarryM Cosmetics!

theNotice chats about the new love in her life - that is, Clarins Rouge Hydra Nude lipsticks. Will you be picking up a tube before they're sold out?

Amy Antoinette reviews ELF's Studio Line blushes.

It’s all about glowing skin and pink hues this spring! Anita reviews (almost) the entire Guerlain spring collection over at Pleasureflush.


Beauty Crazed wants to solve your winter hair woes with $200 worth of Marc Anthony products! So enter the contest already!

Start the new year with a new you. Win a La Mav anti-age skin care pack and enjoy your new skin.

Help Cindy celebrate the one year anniversary of Prime Beauty. At this celebration the presents are for you!

Come by Jeweled Thumb to read a review of the Eyeko My Coral Crush Peachy Keen blush and also win one! Enter now to be one of the 2 lucky winners!

Socialite Dreams is hosting a giveaway of socialite approved goodies!

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.


Yes, it is possible to get some free services in addition to free product!

On your birthday, get a FREE brow waxing at any of the brow bar locations!

FREE - Benefit Cosmetics

Get FREE mini-facial from one of the friendly and helpful staff while you sample your custom designed skincare regimen.

FREE - Space NK Apothecary

Dear Khloe, Kim and Kourtney. I Like You. But Stop It Already.

I like your show. The Keeping Up With... one. I accept that E! is going to give you a full show for every town you ever visit. I'm even a big Khloe fan in general. I know that you need to make your money while the making is good. I know that you've lost weight and I get that it's a good fit to hock weight loss products and videos. While I generally hate Lip Fusion lip products, I do like some of the ones Kim lent her name to. I thought the credit cards were a bit much, but ok.

If you say so.

However, selling yourself to every single bidder lessens your overall brand. And I am starting to feel about you the same way that I feel about Auto-Tune.

So now, it's come down to this. Kardashian Silly Bandz? Please. If you stop now, I will still watch KUWTK in marathons and on Sundays. But please, please stop putting your faces everywhere. I want to like you, but you are making it hard. I'm not even talking about the Sears line (thanks, Laurie!) What's next? Trading Cards? Candy? If you can buy your stuff at the registers at 7-11, you are not going to be happy in the months to come. Like NKTOB stuff, pogs, curly shoe laces and slap bands, your time is almost up. This is not making the most of the time you have left. I beg of you. Stop it.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Benefit Bella Bamba Blush

Have you seen this newest blush addition to the legendary Benefit line? Coralista is still one of my favorite blushes of all time, despite it being on the pink side. They recently launched Bella Bamba, a super pink brightening face powder with little reflective bits that add dimension to your cheek bones.

Check out the video - according to this, Bella Bamba can add a lot more to your life than just a 3D pink glimmer!

As a redhead with skin that blushes easily, I shy away from the pinks. But I think this one has enough color complexity that it still works for me. It's one of the few pinks I really, really like.

Also, like some of their other colors, it has a faint scent (lighter than Coralista), but since we all know my nose knows nothing when it comes to identifying scents, I'm worthless at describing it to you. I can tell you that it smells slightly like pretty flowers, but not like flowers at my Grandma's house. Is that helpful? Maybe if my blogger pal Gaia reviews it, she can tell us what she thinks. Her nose is the opposite of mine, in terms of actually being useful when determining scents.

Either way, this is a pretty pink cheek color, with beautiful, yet subtle sparkly bits. It's definitely worth checking out. (Especially my raven haired, blue eyed pals.)
Have you checked this out? Thoughts?

(Wearing Bella Bamba. That is my hand holding my hair back. Not some weird growth coming out of my head.)

Benefit doesn't test on animals. And they sent this for review.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews & more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Nyx HD Grinding Blush

Nyx launched their premium makeup line, the HD Photogenic Studio Collection, which carries an interesting blusher called, the Grinding Blush. 

Photo from Audrey Dao

Nyx website brags: A revolutionary system for face blush. This genius system grinds mineral-enriched high-definition blush powder that deflects light from skin an makes pores appear smaller and smoother. Perfect for photos an filming. Grinding powder allows you to control the amount you need and keeps remaining product fresh. Say goodbye to oil trappings on powders, contamination, and cracking.

The packaging reminded me of Smashbox Halo Hydrating Perfecting Powder:

This is a cool concept from NYX, really, and I've been reading a lot of good reviews from this blush (and the grinding powder, too). However, the uncool thing is having to shell out a whopping $20 for a NYX stuff! Yup, the Nyx HD Grinding Blush is sold at $20. A few more $$$ and you can get yourself a pan of NARS blushes!

Here's how they look like (collated from NYX website):

This blush contains: Mica, Kaolin, Zea Mays (Corn) Starch, Silica, Hexyl Laurate, Diisostearyl Malate, Magnesium Stearate, Red 30 Lake, Nylon-12 Octyldodecyl Stearoyl Stearate, Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil, Triethoxycaprylylsilane, Dimethicone, Phenoxyethanol, C.I. 77491 (Iron Oxides), Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Chlorphenesin, VP/VA Copolymer, Hydroxypropyl Methycellulose, C12-14 Pareth-7, Amodimethicone, Adipic Acid/Neopentyl Glycol, Crosspolymer, Tocopheryl Acetate, Salicornia Herbacea Extract.

Jheng, a co-beauty blogger, sported English Rose prettily:

Photo Source

Jheng swatched ALL 8 colors, too! Check them out HERE

Nyx blushes are really great buys; they are affordable and very pigmented (check out some Nyx blush swatches I talked about a year ago). However, with steep price points on their HD Studio line, I am on the fence about getting them.

I will be waiting for more reviews on this. If this blush garners a fair amount of thumbs up for being photogenic and lasting on oily cheeks, I will get one. For the meantime, I'll busy myself creating a good dupe for it.

Photo Source

More resources for Nyx HD Studio Grinding Blush at The Shades Of U, VampyVarnish, and IamBrigitte. If you live in the Philippines and would like to join the NYX preorder (Grinding blush is at P750!!!), click HERE.

400 Years and Still Beautiful!

A little fun fact about me: I studied in a University who's celebrating its Quadricentennial Anniversary today.

The University of Santo Tomas (UST), my Alma Mater, is the oldest University in the Philippines. Gosh, it's been 400 years since the first University was founded in our country!

The Main Building (oldest building that the school preserved) houses the College of Science,
a Museum and the Administrative Offices
Photo Source

The Pontifical and Royal University of Santo Tomas
The Main Building on a normal school day
Photo Source

One of the three architectures fronting the University's entrance: the Fountain of Knowledge
Photo Source

The school's architectural centerpiece, The Arc of the Century
Photo Source

The University is quite huge. Now, this place was where I got a more womanly form from.:

Photo taken from my sister's camera

We call it, "The Grandstand". My former classmates and I jogged the perimeter of this field together with some of our Physical Therapy professors (how cool is that?!! our professors were the ones who encouraged us to stay fit and bribed us with merits if we jogged... now, i learned that on top of the academic merits, i'm reaping the benefits from jogging by having a prettier physique).

Aerial view: that's the perimeter I jog around on.
Don't ask me how many laps though :)
Photo Source

UST is known for quite a number of things too aside from being really old. Like hosting the "Paskuhan", an annual Christmas celebration held at The Grandstand. This event is famous for free food (for the students, free ice cream for visitors), a variety show, and a lengthy display of FIREWORKS!

Photo Source

Releasing Lanterns in the Sky in 2010
Photo Source

That's the Grandstand (where I jog); it's where 'Paskuhan' happens
Photo Source

Paskuhan is also famous for drawing a HUGE crowd
Photo Source

Photo Source

Students viewing the fireworks far from the grandstand
(but still inside the school's premises)
Photo Source

People, not ants...
Photo Source

My college, The College of Rehabilitation Sciences, has been consistently topping the country's Physical and Occupational Therapy Licensure exams through the years. The year I took my boards was the year when UST once again experienced a 100% passing rate for PT (2003). (another trivia: I was President of the College when I was in my Senior year, I do not want to look back at how I drained myself juggling gruesome academics and demanding extra-curricular stuff).
This is so reminiscent of my college days!
Clockwise: Practical exams (and that's our laboratory uniform),
Learning how to create splints (that's an ankle splint, btw), Research and Thesis, Internship
Collated photos from

UST Hospital (still inside the campus)
i held internship here, worked here and even became a patient here (Sophomore year)
Photo Source

Here's a toast to 400 years of excellence and for more years to come. I can never be grateful enough for this University's efforts in striving to become a better place for hopeful dreamers like me. Go, USTe!

Viva Santo Tomas!