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Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often
Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid Chemical Peel - A Peel Off That You Can Use Often

Glycolic Acid in Lotions in Creams

You might be wondering that what is glycolic acid lotion? Well, the fact is that, most people do not know what glycolic acid lotion is and they do not even know that it is a commonly used material in your everyday skin care products. Yes that is right, you use it every day and you don't even know about it. If you do not know much about it then there is nothing worry about, because the use of glycolic acid lotion common and you really don't need to know what it does in every day use.  These days, there are a lot of lotions and skin care products that are available on the market, this makes it rather difficult for a person to look for the right skin care product for their skin. Keep in mind that your skin type is unique, no matter what classification doctors use to classify your skin as dry, oily etc. You must make sure that you do not use any such products of which you do not know about. That way, you can make sure that you will only use the suggested and recommended products for your skin in order to make it look beautiful. Whether it is beauty or health, it is always best to consult with your doctor because your doctor knows you better then yourself. The doctor can also suggest or recommend you a cream or lotion based on your skin condition or requirements or he can also suggest you another doctor who is a skin specialist.  That way, you can get the best skin treatment for your skin which is deemed to ensure that you are doing the best possible for your skin in order to make it look beautiful. But make sure that do not opt for over the counter lotions for your skin, And when you purchase a lotion, make sure it's a Glycolic acid lotion.
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Glycolic Acid and Skin Care

Glycolic acid, an ingredient that is non-toxic and multi-purpose, is used in products meant for skin care. Glycolic acid forms an integral part of a number of cosmetics that range from glycolic acid acne gels, to glycolic acid toners, to glycolic acid peels, to glycolic acid skin lotions. Hence, glycolic acid forms an integral part of a skin care routine that can be very effective in the treatment of wrinkles, acne scars as well as acne prone skin, dry skin, oily skin, and sun-damaged skin.  Glycolic acid is a part of a naturally occurring group of alpha hydroxy acids, or AHA, which are derived from fruits and other natural substances. Some of the other examples of alpha hydroxyl acids are tartaric acid found in wine, malic acid in apples, lactic acid in sour milk, and citric acid in citrus fruits. Glycolic acid is obtained from sugar cane.  If glycolic acid is applied in concentrations that are very high, it can be corrosive. Hence, any product that contains glycolic acid at concentrations of more than 10 percent is regarded as hazardous. Most skin products containing glycolic acid do not have it in concentrations more than 10 percent. Although glycolic acid in too high a concentration can be unsafe, conversely, if the concentration is too low it can result in the product being ineffective. Therefore, products that have glycolic acid concentrations in the range of 8 percent to 10 percent are generally recommended for use in skin care. Although glycolic acid peel products have concentrations that are much higher.  How is Glycolic Acid Beneficial?  Since glycolic acid is a natural moisturizer and exfoliant, it is an ideal ingredient in skin care products. Glycolic acid’s high acidity is what makes it an excellent exfoliant. When it is applied on the skin, glycolic acid permeates through the skin’s superficial layers, breaking up the sticky matter that binds the dead skin cells. Once the layer of superficial skin cells are loosened up, they can be removed easily, leaving the skin smoother and softer. Glycolic acid also helps in absorbing moisturizers into the skin. Many product lines of cosmetics that contain glycolic acid offer a full range of skin care system. These skin care products ensure that the full potential of glycolic acid is derived by using them, while they also neutralize its corrosive effects on skin.  Glycolic Acid Toner for Facial Skin  This is a formulation that helps to improve the skin’s pH balance, clarity, and smoothness, while also cleansing and refreshing the skin. Glycolic acid toners are filled with anti-irritants that are soothing such as allantoin, hyaluronic acid, and aloe vera gel, which prevent the stinging sensation that is often felt with other products containing glycolic acid. After cleansing the face, the glycolic acid toner should be applied by using your fingertips or moistened cotton and patted all over the face, being careful not to rub it in. The skin is then ready for glycolic acid cream, or any other day or night cream.  Glycolic Acid Peel for Facial Skin  Whether you want to restore the natural beauty of your skin or to get rid of acne blemishes, glycolic acid peels are effective and safe for achieving a rejuvenated, beautiful, and smooth skin. The Glycolic acid concentrations in peels can be up to 50 percent, which enables you to decide on the strength of the glycolic acid peel you want to use. Typically, glycolic acid peel treatments involve once a week facial peels for a period of up to six weeks.  Glycolic Acid Treatment for Acne  When glycolic acid is used for treating acne it is usually mixed with salicylic acid. While glycolic acid helps in breaking up skin cells that are dead, salicylic acid helps in removing the dead skin cells from the surface of the skin, thus resulting in opening up pores, with the skin becoming revitalized and smooth.  The Precautions and Side Effects of Glycolic Acid  When you apply glycolic acid on the skin it becomes more sensitive to sunlight, hence a sunscreen should always be applied after you use it. If you are worried about getting acne, choose an oil-free and noncomedogenic sunscreen.  After you apply glycolic acid peel, the skin can often appear as if it has been sunburned. This usually lasts for a few days. During this time, while your skin is recovering from the effects of a glycolic acid peel, it is important not to expose your skin to the sun. By Rita Putatunda

jeune d’âge organics Serum and Premiere Cleanser

When I first tried  jeune d’âge's anti-oxidant moisturizing & firming serum, I instantly fell in love. Not only because it's got a high content of organic materials, not just because of their attention to creating a green product, and not only even that it's cruelty-free. That's all nice and stuff, but I also love it because of how it affects my skin.

I reviewed the serum about two years ago when it came in single daily packets. While the serum has remained unchanged, they've now gone to a new, easier to use airless pump dispenser that keeps the product stable. Now to open the pump dispenser, you just twist the cap and the pump rises up.

 When you're finished, just reverse the cap and the pump will seal. It's pretty genius.

Not familiar with the serum itself? Check out my review here. Just know that this formula contains Hyalaronan (a natural hydrator), DMAE (to lift and tone the skin), CoQ10 (a super antioxidant) and Vitamin A (to speed up cell renewal, increase collagen production and reduce wrinkles).  I love to use this morning and night on my face, decollete, neck and on the backs of my hands.

I've been using it in conjunction with the jeune d’âge organics Premiere Cleanser, which is 93% organic. This non-foaming cleansing lotion removes all traces of makeup and leaves your skin feeling naturally wonderful. Created with Roobios Tea, DMAE, Jojoba and MSM, this cleanser utilizes ingredients found naturally in the skin and boosts their effectiveness with antioxidants and moisturizers.  My face is never feels tight, dry, oily or anything in between. It's hard to describe. It's just clean and balanced. After I cleanse I apply the serum and my skin feels fantastic. It feels different from how other cleansers leave my skin. It's kind of like the absence of anything extra and being left in perfect balance. Does that make sense? It works beautifully on my skin, leaving me glowing and radiant.

I've honestly never  tried anything from  jeune d’âge that I didn't love. Have you tried this brand? Tell me what you think!

Product sent for review. Not tested on animals.

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NOTD: Black Ice

After a long coral binge, my eyes are set on darker, edgy, and vampy colors for my nails. Apologies for the picture heavy post, but I am head over heels for this mani, which looks like shattered ice over a black road. To truly appreciate this you need to see it in person when the flakies shift colors in the light.

To achieve this mani, I used Sally Hansen Hard as Nails Xtreme Wear in Black out, topped with Studio M Nail Color in Covered in Diamonds. Covered in Diamonds is a clear base packed with huge flakies that reflect blue, green, orange and pink. It is a little difficult to work with, but with patience and coat of Seche Vite all is golden.

How To Take Out Feather Extensions

Like all good things, trends and moods come to an end. The feather extensions you loved last month are now making you crazy and you want them out. Now. But they are attached firmly and you aren't sure how to remove them. It's only a little bit of hair, but you don't want to cut them out.

No worries. There is no reason to resort to such dramatic methods. 15 minutes from now (by the time you find the right tool in a drawer downstairs) you'll be feather-free. All you need is a pair of pliers with a texture on the "plates". Most commonly, you'll find ridged pliers. These will work just fine. If you happen to be crafty and have a pair of crimping pliers handy, those are even better.

Most feather extensions are attached with microbeads. The hair and feathers are inserted into the bead and clamped closed. To safely remove the feathers and bead, without damaging your hair, you just need to crimp the bead in the opposite direction. If you try doing this with flat pliers, I wish you luck. I'm not saying it can't be done, but I am saying it is a pain. You're going to need pliers with some kind of texture. That's why crimping pliers, used for jewelry making, work the best.

So let's get these things out!

Here is me, feather attached. I put this feather in so it would be easy for you to see how to take it out. 

1. Separate your hair so you can clearly see the bead and feather.

See how the bead is flat against my head? You are going to want to turn it so it is "standing up".

The flat bead needs to be squeezed in the opposite direction, making it open, in order to come out without damaging your hair.

 2. Put the flattened bead in between the plates of the pliers, so it is standing up.


3. Squeeze the pliers lightly, until you feel the bead start to give.


4. Gently pull out the bead and the feather.

Ta da! That's it. Easy and painless.

Subscribe and never miss a thing! Disclosure/Disclaimer Statement. Makeup, beauty, skincare reviews and more! Copyright 2009-2011, Gouldylox Reviews. All Rights Reserved.

Juicing Journeys

Seeing as Power Femme is a blog dedicated mostly to beauty products, fashion, and feminism, this post on juicing may initially appear a little out of place. However, beauty starts from the inside, and there is nothing as gorgeous as being healthy. Make up and cute clothes can only do so much for us if we don't treat our bodies right. Those things, I am trying to teach myself, are really just the icing on the cake, to use an unhealthy metaphor!

In that vein, I am on a mission to start treating my body nicer. This means a diet makeover! I have been striving to include loads more fruits and veggies, and juicing has been my favorite new way of acheiving this. I recently watched the fantastic documentary Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead (which is available on instant for fellow Netflix users), and the next day my partner and I invested in a juicer. We bought a Jack LaLanne Power Juicer on sale for around $80 after discovering the juicers featured in the documentary are at least three times as costly. Although we bought a budget juicer, I couldn't be happier. I am officially a juice-aholic!

 All you do is feed your choice of veggies and fruits down this shoot....
 ...and out pours your juice!
The fibrous pulp is separated and projected into the side pulp bin. 

 My partner, clearly feeling the benefits of juicing!

The benefits of juicing are numerous
To name just a few :
-Nutrients are more quickly absorbed by the body when they are in liquid.
-Juicing gives your digestive system a break.
-Juicing is great when you want to detox your body.
-Juicing is really energizing!
-Juicing allows you to consume more nutrients from fruits and veggies than would otherwise be possible in a given meal.
-You get to customize your own recipes! Juicing is yummy!

Here is a juice I made for breakfast the other day made from the fruits and veggies pictured above. It tasted quite strongly of grapefruit and was really delicious! There is no way that I could have otherwise consumed 10 strawberries, a whole pink grapefruit, one apple, half a cucumber, one tomato, two large carrots, and a bundle of celery for breakfast.

I would love to periodically discuss juicing and post some juice recipes here if you all wouldn't mind!
Do you juice? 
Have you made any recent lifestyle changes to be more healthy?