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Prove It! Jan Marini Lash

I have mentioned that I have puny lashes. In fact, I have mentioned this over and over. While I have had success in the past, I have also tried products that left my lashes limp.

I recently tried Jan Marini Lash. Unlike Latisse, Marini Lash contains no prostaglandin, which is an FDA-approved drug to help those with minimal lashes grow longer, thicker lashes. Latisse has a great track record for results, but can also permanently darken your skin where the medicine is applied and it may change the color of your iris permanently.

According to their website, Marini Lash is totally safe to use and claims to help grow longer, thicker lashes by conditioning them with proprietary peptides. I used Marini Lash for 5 weeks. But for $160, can it possibly be worth it? When I started, my lashes looked like this:

You can see how short they are - they are almost impossible to curl! Even the best, most thickening and lengthening mascara can only do so much.

Here is what my lashes look like five weeks into this experiment. These next photos were all taken on the same day at the same time, with and without mascara. While my lashes will never be enviously long like some of my co-workers, they are border-line long for me.
It worked! I love it!

While Marini Lash is expensive at $160 (compared to Latisse's $115) one tube of Marini Lash, will last about 6 months. Latisse only lasts for one month. Compared with the cost of lash extensions or the prescription solution, for those with short, thin lashes who are nervous about the permanent side effects of Latisse, this is definitely worth considering.

What do you think? Have you tried any of the lash lengthening products? Tell me about it in the comments!

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