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Ousted and Free

The world is a menagerie!!! I've rested my eyes on all four corners, and yet I haven't been successful enough to find an incorruptible soul with whom I can trust myself with. The world is filled with angst-stricken wolves ready to devour on the meekest sheep like me. I've been wandering for quite some time now, since my voluntary dethronement, and boy, do i miss my refuge... All I wanted was this sense of freedom that I always see in others' eyes when they talk to me freely about anything they want to; that kind of freedom that I sense in others' lives whenever they joke around in the streets; that freedom that others can exercise whenever they make their own decision. My constant yearning led to my self-proclaimed ousting, and presently, to my dismal state of not knowing what to do next, nor where to stay.

The costs of freedom.

I'm still trying to digest what has happened, though... The Palace, the dethronement, and my courageous (or rebellious) quest for freedom! Perhaps, the world isn't that bad at all... perhaps, the world isn't that much filled with foxes and wolves. Perhaps, I can bump into talkin beavers and faithful fawns as Lucy Pevensie did. Well, perhaps...